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  1. O

    Beautiful Mutant?

    Looks great man. 1 gallon's at this time but i already see roots coming out the bottom so its probably getting time to replant to a more permanent pot i just can decide air pots or standard black plastic? i want to try air pots but i'm growing indoors so i haven't purchased any. Another thing I...
  2. O

    Beautiful Mutant?

    lol I'm inpatient and a noob i guess every 4 days a do a very diluted organic micro-nitro. but this thing is a beast i've already topped it and took of lower branches to focus its energize more up and on the 4 soon to hopefully be colas.
  3. O

    Beautiful Mutant?

    Hi just gonna start off saying i do not know what classifies as "Mutant" however i have the one plant out of six that has extreme and far different growth patterns then the rest. All seeds are "Regular" GrapeApexSensiStar Lighting is a 800w LeD. Fans for circulation but i dont think this is a...