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  1. Inferno37

    question about 150 watt hps system

    It is not the ballast pulling more. It is the other electrical components within the system. EDIT: Sorry, it is pulling more but only 20% max.
  2. Inferno37

    question about 150 watt hps system

    Here is you one if you don't know how to wire things. 1.3A
  3. Inferno37

    question about 150 watt hps system

    A 150w ballast is a 150w ballast. Yours is just set in a pretty little hood with some fans.
  4. Inferno37

    question about 150 watt hps system That is the very first ballast that popped up. But I am assuming you want me to find a complete system fans and all?
  5. Inferno37

    question about 150 watt hps system

    That particular system is pulling extra amps to run fans and such. One could assume that a magnetic ballast will be pulling 10%-20% over the 150w, but 408w is ridiculous.
  6. Inferno37

    RIP pollen

    I have always heard a week.
  7. Inferno37

    Roots (growing through drain holes) & Cloning

    If the roots are not sitting in a pool of water, they will be "air pruned", it won't hurt to prune them yourself if you do not want them sticking out there. I am not exactly sure what you are asking about the cloning of the SD.
  8. Inferno37

    Lighting help

    Nice! They are quality ballasts, but they have 500w, 750w, 1000w setting, in percentages, if I recall correctly so I wouldn't try to run a 600 watt bulb in them, but 1000 dimmed down to 750 would work in that area possibly. Although, I have never tried that, so it is probably best to ignore...
  9. Inferno37

    Lighting help

    I am new here, but just wanted to add a +1 to Hortilux. If you are planning on expanding the area in the future, I would look into dimmable ballasts. I use Solis-Tek and have had no problems. I have used 1000w bulbs on the 600w setting, as well as 600w bulbs on the 600w setting. Edit: If it...
  10. Inferno37

    Please help with my hermie problem

    I didn't take it as a knock on it. This is the weirdest shit that has ever happened and the only thing that I changed was vegging in a bubbler instead of aero, then going to RDWC instead of coco. Has to be somewhere in that. Where is the like button on this forum?
  11. Inferno37

    Please help with my hermie problem

    Aero has given me a 90% success rate cloning, where as rockwool was often murdering my babies. I am vegging in the bubbler now because going from there to the DWC buckets, in my mind, doesn't stress them as much as going from aero straight to RDWC in the flower room. RDWC was recommended by a...
  12. Inferno37

    Please help with my hermie problem

    Yeah, all mothers are from regular seeds. I was thinking about going back to coco as well. I appreciate your advice! If anyone is near North FL, I will be selling an RDWC system soon.
  13. Inferno37

    Please help with my hermie problem

    Okay guys and gals, here is my situation. I run a mother room under 2 x 600w BlackDog LED (18/6) at 75-77 degrees. I run my bud room under 2 x 1000w HPS (12/12) at 75-77 degrees. I just recently switched from flowering in coco pots to an RDWC system, and since the switch, it seems I am growing...