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  1. HighdeanHigh

    Hortilux ceramic hps cri 81

    When we switched over to 3:15..... ours did as well as a 600... that's why I am very excited for this
  2. HighdeanHigh

    Do not use a 8" can fan ho in a 4x4 tent!

    I just wanted to come back and update this.... There were two problems that led to the ultimate problem in my design for the tent.... first off it was the closest tent to the AC and it had the largest inline fan and was taking most of the cold air from the AC and keeping the bottom Root Zone...
  3. HighdeanHigh

    Hortilux ceramic hps cri 81

    It is also worth noting that the ceramic HPS that is on their website says that it has less than half the lumens of a normal hortilux 600 watt HPS bulb.... well I guess if it is running more efficiently, maybe it doesn't need the other lumens... I need answers
  4. HighdeanHigh

    Hortilux ceramic hps cri 81

    Anyone have any information when I get my hands on these and how much they're going to cost.. I have two four by four tents right next to each other so I can definitely do an easy side by side.. but jumping up from 25 to 81 on the CRI scale is pretty significant statement...
  5. HighdeanHigh

    Best 8" inline fan

    I'm a can fan, fan. Made in the u s America and they stay quiet and work. Have a 6" that I've used for almost a decade now.
  6. HighdeanHigh

    First grow almost time to harvest how does she look

    Do you have a 30-60x loupe so you can actually see your trichs? If not get one, they are like 7 bucks and use flaming pies advice
  7. HighdeanHigh

    Using 3 part system for spidermite prevention?

    I've never sprayed in flower
  8. HighdeanHigh

    Using 3 part system for spidermite prevention?

    I've only had fungus gnats before. But I try to spray my veg plants with azamax mixed with transport every 10 days or so. Not a bad idea to switch it up. But like the fella above said, keep your grow clean.. also the fuggers apparently thrive in high heat conditions. I work outside in the...
  9. HighdeanHigh

    Who Chopped Due to Rain?

    Colorado had a great season.. taking down my last 2 plants that are almost finished tomorrow because Monday through Wednesday are supposed to be wet.
  10. HighdeanHigh

    Best Blueberry strain

    I've grown out the Dutch passion blueberry somega recently. .. nothing like the chunky stuff I got in high school (2000ish)
  11. HighdeanHigh

    Best Blueberry strain

    Dj short has some new seeds out that I haven't checked out.. supposedly some of the stuff I was getting a few years ago was the "new blueberry " that Dj short was working in and having people grow out... not sure how long he has been selling seeds again, but it's new to me.. he has blueberry...
  12. HighdeanHigh

    Do not use a 8" can fan ho in a 4x4 tent!

    Not bad for a first tent grow.. took a lohan out 2 weeks ago that was sitting front right in a 5 gal container. . Netted 3.8oz.. hoping for 10-12 off the og at least.. I'm happy for a 600 in a 4x4.. not a commercial grower so if it's good, I'm happy
  13. HighdeanHigh

    Do not use a 8" can fan ho in a 4x4 tent!

    Thanks good sir.. really believe it was the cold root xone.. specially with organic. .. test plant is doing great.
  14. HighdeanHigh

    Do not use a 8" can fan ho in a 4x4 tent!

    Well when everything is going great and I'm pretty knowledgeable about stuff and can't figure any other reasons why I'm going to try my best to figure it out. Sorry that I'm not used to growing in tents and thought that an air exchange of 7 times a minute was my problem.? Used to having a 8...
  15. HighdeanHigh

    Do not use a 8" can fan ho in a 4x4 tent!

    My greenhouse is 12x7, plastic and I live in the mountains so it's too much work to run it in the winter. Takin the last 2 plants down tomorrow. I like to take a few months off from growing in the spring so I can travel. Hopefully next year I can get a place that has a room where I can...
  16. HighdeanHigh

    Do not use a 8" can fan ho in a 4x4 tent!

    Where I live, the rent is really high and I have a one bedroom cabin. If the bathroom wasn't on the other side of the bedroom, that room would just be open grow. But I got to use the bathroom, so need the tents.. :)
  17. HighdeanHigh

    Do not use a 8" can fan ho in a 4x4 tent!

    I don't think it was the low temperature when the lights are off, it didn't help much though. my greenhouse is 35 degrees at night time the last few nights and popping like crazy still.. even did some autoflowers back in April so I could have 2 harvests and they survived multiple nights of...
  18. HighdeanHigh

    Do not use a 8" can fan ho in a 4x4 tent!

    I appreciate the help everyone. And to that one person that might been a little rude, I'm not trying to say im the best cultivator ever, I'm just trying to figure things out. I did a search a couple months ago wondering if there is too much air and nothing popped up I was just trying to help, we...
  19. HighdeanHigh

    Do not use a 8" can fan ho in a 4x4 tent!

    Trust me, I did not rule that Out at first. After two runs in the bad tent and having everything else grow like a weed, it's something wrong with the environment in that 1 tent... I have been using the same bottle organic nutrients 4 the last 14 years, I just really dont see how i could mess...
  20. HighdeanHigh

    Do not use a 8" can fan ho in a 4x4 tent!

    What is it with rude people coming here to put others down? If you're so depressed by your own life that you need to put others down, do something more productive. My second grow.. back in 2002