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  1. Jameson Jackson

    Post Nute Burn(1 month till harvest). How do I handle sick leaves?

    So I should not be worried about rot or mold whatever due to burnt tips staying on though eh? @vostok that's a good rule of thumb for flushing, I'll have to remember that
  2. Jameson Jackson

    Post Nute Burn(1 month till harvest). How do I handle sick leaves?

    Wondering if i should start cleaning the burnt parts off via clippers or wait? Will this affect my harvest more negatively if I do? Could use some experience here, if I leave the burnt tips on all the way till harvest will It spoil?. Btw the Blue Berry(plant in photo) is doing much better after...
  3. Jameson Jackson

    Looking for any help figuring out this issue. Seems to have happened over the past 3 days.

    Ok, i keep them pretty comfortable @ 65-79 degrees f depending on lights I use 1 600W led running 12/12, the plants are 5 1/2 months old started flower on 17th of feb I have been feeding basically once a week (water every other day or if dry) general hydroponic nutes they live in a 4x4 grow...
  4. Jameson Jackson

    Loving this community

    Loving this community
  5. Jameson Jackson

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    Help!! First time grower here and I have some weird stuff happening(fungi?) on second node of topped growth. Pics included. Strain:Blueberry(ILGM) Lights: 600w(equiv) daylight CFLS (currently 24/7) Plant age: 6 weeks average closet temp is about 82F I follow standard general hydroponic feeding...