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  1. Budies 101

    The LED "Arms race".....

    Yes, but the point is at some point people will start manufacturing these lights with LED in mind as LED have and are further taking over. Thus we will get fixtures for dollars and bulbs for dollars.
  2. Budies 101

    The LED "Arms race".....

    The end game is simple to me... A long florescent bulb with high end LEDs that retro fit into t5/t8's. I bought some 140 lm/w bulbs and run them in my t5 or t8 I forget. I use 2 of the 4 bulbs because with 4 going I burned the plants... At some point we will buy bulbs that do 180+ lm a watt...
  3. Budies 101

    Ethos Seeds for purple majik
  4. Budies 101

    Ethos Seeds

    Instagram link in my bio but : I'll get a pic up today of the Headband.
  5. Budies 101

    Ethos Seeds

    I have a cresend0 on my Instagram as I saw it was mentioned here. I gave some of the cresend0 to my neighbor not expecting much feedback because the plant produced such small buds, frost covered buds, but small. He said it was absolutely amazing in the smell and taste, one of my best in his...
  6. Budies 101

    Ethos Collective "Zsweet Inzanity".............

    Thank you Skid, you're grow looks great... oddly starts are where I struggle the most =D
  7. Budies 101

    Ethos Collective "Zsweet Inzanity".............

    Ok, here are a few finished shots of some phenoes of Ethos. Here is my instagram:
  8. Budies 101

    Ethos Collective "Zsweet Inzanity".............

    Trimmed it looks ok, the buds were large but it was super ugly looking. I grew 2 outdoor and I hate outdoor so I don't count that. I'm not saying it's a bad strain, Im just saying what I had =D
  9. Budies 101

    Ethos Collective "Zsweet Inzanity".............

    My IITMB plants looked horrible. Zsweet inzanity all looked good, 1 was amazing. Snowballs looked pretty decent. 2 of the 3 sour og cheese looked really good.
  10. Budies 101

    Looking to build a new LM301B PCB

    I don't know off hand but two points... And to be clear this is just my opinion. 1: Efficiency is king.... to a point. 2: The savings to run the lights at 223lm/w probably will never be realized considering the cost to get there. So, efficiency is great as I use about 1k watts over a 5x10 VS...
  11. Budies 101

    Looking to build a new LM301B PCB

    I don't know what your lm/w will be but chances are it will be 170-190 range. I build my own lights but the PCB is made in china for me, I had to make a gerber file for it (its like a blueprint). The whole light costs me about 290$ to make but it covers a 2x4 areas really well. I can't say...
  12. Budies 101

    Looking to build a new LM301B PCB

    read the description, its the board only. I'd do 3 boards on a flat piece of aluminum that you can buy at local steel fabrication shops (easy) for about 40$ to do a 12/42 inch light or so. Look at the their size of the board first. Then you need the Driver.
  13. Budies 101

    Looking to build a new LM301B PCB

    Depends what you want to do.... I'd say you need at lest 4 to do a 4x4, 5 would be better but also odd size. That's why I like my lights, they are made for my space. So yeah, give it a shot if your space works with it.
  14. Budies 101

    Looking to build a new LM301B PCB

    How many do you need? I'm looking to place an order in a few days or less.
  15. Budies 101

    Ethos Collective "Zsweet Inzanity".............

    Good grow and I appreciate all the pics being outside rather than some crap with a flash, making it look better than it is kinda thing. I'd love to trim a little tighter for you but I'm just like that haha! Thanks for the grow log, I have 6 of these going atm... as well as the Headband, Forum...
  16. Budies 101

    Any opinion on this new Cirrus 10 COB light - 1000 watt?

    You seem to be fighting out the gate in anticipation on people fighting you... The light will grow, and probably grow well. As far as the watt draw, the horrible color to work under, the tight hotspot, the heat it will produce and undoubtedly having to raise the light high as or higher than a...
  17. Budies 101

    Any opinion on this new Cirrus 10 COB light - 1000 watt?

    This is my thoughts... Two of my lights grow as well as a 1k HPS Nanolux DE at 280watts each (that can be run higher). I get hands down a better spread of light, HPS is a joke in comparison... Even when comparing watts my home made LED destroy a 1k HPS. I say all this because I see a light that...