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  1. kmf

    Should I transplant?

    im not sure what your saying here? i topped the plants then a few days later LST'd them which didnt split off into two branches like i thought it just made all the other tops lower on the plant come up and created nice thick branches on all of them.
  2. kmf

    Should I transplant?

    yes, 3 of the pots are clear that i covered to block any light getting to them. i just lifted up the Jack Herer last night and it was.
  3. kmf

    Should I transplant?

    all of my information relevant to the project i'm referring to is in my grow journal witch you can see by clicking on the B next to my photo. has pictures and all. but the room is about 2.5 x 4.5 x 6ft, 400 watt lights, fox farm ocean forest, no nutes currently, i recently posted a data spread...
  4. kmf

    Should I transplant?

    i'm on approximately week 7 of veg and am using 3 gallons puts, trying to grow the plants using LST to fill the room should I transplant? and should I go with a 5 or 7 gallon pot? you can see the what everything looks like by clicking on my blog/ grow journal most recent is the post at the top...
  5. kmf

    Environment "Humidity"

    My main concern is just getting it stabilized for the flower stage. I've dealt with bud rut, aaand powder mold... never again. I've thought about drawing the air in from the other part of the shed that's not being used by plants buut. theres generally a lawn mower, gas cans, and possible...
  6. kmf

    Environment "Humidity"

    Yes it is
  7. kmf

    Environment "Humidity"

    any good ideas on how I can stabilize my room's humidity with the setup I have in the my grow journal?
  8. kmf

    Environment "Humidity"

    Okay so I've been working on some ideas on how to stabilize my room's humidity but I run into other problems. you can see what im working with in my blog/ grow journal. the problem im running into is that the outside humidity is changing pretty moderately every day or so and that bring the...
  9. kmf

    for sure. I got the new page all updated now nothing special just an add to the journal.

    for sure. I got the new page all updated now nothing special just an add to the journal.
  10. kmf

    yo is there anyway to list new entries underneath the first one in the journal? or does it...

    yo is there anyway to list new entries underneath the first one in the journal? or does it always post above? had to make an add on because it wouldn't let me add anymore pics
  11. kmf

    How long should I veg to get about 4.oz a plant using fox farm nutes and soil?

    tell me more? the way I've always seen it as long as the plant is grow/dried and cured correctly the unique flavor/smell the strain has will do it's job as to being what it is.
  12. kmf

    Fox Farm Nutrients?

    I went to privacy settings and changed it so i believe it should work. @daloudpack
  13. kmf

    Fox Farm Nutrients?

    im glad to hear that! no hermies in the pimp house. lol I feel that brotha. and im not sure about the journal ill see if I can fix it i thought i set it so everyone could view it.
  14. kmf

    Fox Farm Nutrients?

    @daloudpack I'd like to invite you to look into my grow journal I posted. Nothing special but it is what it is. lol tell me what you think. also referring back to the picture you posted of one of your plants how did you manage to get that thing so square lol? my curiosity was sparked when I...
  15. kmf

    How long should I veg to get about 4.oz a plant using fox farm nutes and soil?

    now that I'm thinking about it, whats a good pot size (gal.) for and indoor grow? I feel like 7-10 gallon like you guys were saying? What is LST? Low Stress Training?
  16. kmf

    How long should I veg to get about 4.oz a plant using fox farm nutes and soil?

    Quick question do you think If i were to put a netting down and shove the new kinda wimpier growths that come from the top under a new thread as it gets taller and keep doing this to keep the plant trained growing horizontally versus vertically I could make more use of my space? or should I...
  17. kmf

    How long should I veg to get about 4.oz a plant using fox farm nutes and soil?

    How tall was your tent? I was debating on using nets to make the plants grow horizontally as much as I could to utilize as much of the plant as possible. My space is about 6 ft tall by like 2.5ftx 4.5 ft I dont have the numbers off the top of my head. also, vegging for as long as you did how...
  18. kmf

    How long should I veg to get about 4.oz a plant using fox farm nutes and soil?

    My My test space for the moment is about 2ft 4in.x 4ft x 6ft about
  19. kmf

    How long should I veg to get about 4.oz a plant using fox farm nutes and soil?

    I haven't no. I'm actually kinda reading through some of the results from google and different blogs an such to see which one gets the most likes from users/growers based off of thc, yield, flower time
  20. kmf

    How long should I veg to get about 4.oz a plant using fox farm nutes and soil?

    Not 100% yet I like the way train wreck groes, and I'm aiming for a short flower time, still need to research/find the clones first before I can say