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  1. F

    My Lowryder #2's aren't budding after 5 weeks

    bad batch, switch to 12/12... and if you think it sucks, wait until you contact the seed bank only to hear "to bad".
  2. F

    lowryder 2's wont flower

    nothing? anyone ever had a lowryder grow to over 2.5 feet?
  3. F

    lowryder 2's wont flower

    Say someone ordered 5 lowryder 2 fem seeds from the attitude seed bank, and a LR-AK47 fem seed. Then planted them and the ak47 flowered and finished while the other LR#2 have grown to over 2.5 feet and havnt started flowering... Assuming these seeds came in official Joint Doc packaging what...
  4. F

    pollen = male grr

    dude, you might be straight, take out any plants that are showing the sacks and wash your plants down with some water to help carry off any pollen that may still be on the plants, i would vacuum the grow area as well to help prevent any additional damage. By the way, just because your plants...
  5. F

    Feminized male?

    If a Feminized lowryder #2 were to turn male, would this plant produce all feminized seeds or would you have to breed it with a female? Even if the male shows no Female parts would that plant be able to produce seeds without a female?
  6. F

    Is it safe to buy seeds online?

    youll be straight, if you get caught they will just send you a letter saying they took your sack. you dont get in a any "trouble" unless you order like 1,000's of seeds
  7. F

    Lowlife AK47 Automatic

    late response: i ordered low rider #2 and auto ak 47 after reading this, thats an intense harvest for that dwarf
  8. F

    whats the best way to germinate?

    so i ordered some sick seeds from attitude, whats the best way that doesnt involve buying anything to germinate seeds? i use a bag, paper towels and some water on a heating pad but dont have very good results on bag seed. i just dont want to piss away all the money by fucking up my baby girls...
  9. F

    Plant & Clone not getting taller after 3 weeks (Pics)

    hey, did they ever recover or what was the outcome?
  10. F

    auto flowering dwarfs

    i need to know a good site to get auto flowering dwarfs that are reliable and ship quickly. my friend ordered 10 from a shit site and not one of them popped after 2 weeks. he has money to piss away but i am not so fortunate. if anyone in the US has any experience than your input would be...
  11. F

    Plant & Clone not getting taller after 3 weeks (Pics)

    roots,shoots, fruits... your clone is ok, sometimes it takes a while to establish a good root syestem. i would imagine it is the same with the seedling but i have never seen one that small for that long. The good news is your plants will explode(when they do grow) if they are like my clones...
  12. F

    response time to nutrients?

    Ok, not what I was hoping but kinda what I figured, thanks
  13. F

    response time to nutrients?

    Ok, so I've been having a little trouble with my plants and finally said fuck it. If they dont live than I'll wait untill after christmas... So I was wondering how long does it take for a plant to respond, positively or negatively, to a dose of nutes? When will I be able to tell if I made a...
  14. F

    help! pics. browning leaves, yellowing leaves

    here is what they look like
  15. F

    help! pics. browning leaves, yellowing leaves

    ok so these poor ladies have had a rough 2 months... yes they are 2 months old and this sad... they are about 2 months old, are in miracle grow all purpose soil. they are watered when they need it, no more, no less... they are under a 400 w MH on a 24/0 schedule they have had browning...
  16. F

    plant in trouble

    ok, i can get the filter. i will have pics tonight so people can see whats up
  17. F

    plant in trouble

    i will transplant, and use spring water for now on. the only other plant that has an issue is on 2 separate leaves there is a black dot about a 1/4 inch in a circle
  18. F

    plant in trouble

    couldnt tell you what the pH is as i dont have a reader yet... i have been dumb enough to only water them with tap water... but you would think that the other plants would show similar conditions... the MG is the all purpose potting soil
  19. F


    I'm fairly sure without the education people could not cultivate the way we do... Ever feed your ladies nutes? I'm sure the stuff is just on the ground somewhere... There is no way an educated person could have developed such a product. If you are to dumb to understand the term "Education"...
  20. F

    plant in trouble

    ok so it's about a month old, in a 1 1/2 months old ina 1 gallon container. all leaves are curling upward, yellow on the very tips but brown on the whole leaf other than the tip. the brown seems to start around the edges and moves in twoard the center. they are in mirale grow soil, and...