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    opinions please! New grower!

    low stress training
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    Silly ass question

    Some info on that I've put in my Journal here> It's a good read
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    Ok so here is the problem I have been having...

    A good reading for a base water solution ppm should be 125-150 ppm because it represents buffering ability, but not so much that large amounts of minerals have to be added to adjust ph.
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    Ok so here is the problem I have been having...

    Seems like vinegar isn't a good idea. Use pH Down
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    Some kind of def ? Help pls

    Could it be a Sulfur (S) deficiency ? Looks like early symptoms of lacking it.
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    bottom leaves continue to yellow, die, and fall off???

    If your growth has slowed and your leaves are yellowing, from lower and affecting new growth. Nitrogen like homie said. And to activate the flowering cycle you need 9-11.5 hours of darkness that is uninterrupted. this has to be maintained for 10 days for it to switch from veg to flower, going...
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    Ok so here is the problem I have been having...

    Chlorine as low as possible. Tap water level is fine, no absolute need to purchase something to lower it. I thought you were using swimming pool water to water your garden. Im sorry pH between 5.8-6.5 that's all I can say im too tired to understand a non digital meter and I have a pounding...
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    Ok so here is the problem I have been having...

    First let me start by stating that by increasing the light intensity, you encourage your plants to absorb even more CO2 which increases growth and yield. When the plants receive between 4500-5500fc (48,240 lux) of light, they can utilize between 1200-1300 ppm of CO2. While very few gardens are...
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    Ok so here is the problem I have been having...

    ppm stands for parts per million, ppm meters are a luxury not an absolute necessity so don't worry about it, I was just curious for evaluation purposes I don't want you to forget this: Your current issue you can quickly resolve and should, if i need to ill explain what each of these...
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    Ok so here is the problem I have been having...

    I may have misunderstood and thought someone said they were watering with pool water :p. oops. But my posts are facts, could be at least used for future references. dang my too quick reading while sleepy :p
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    Am i close?

    Here This is what I WANTED to tell you PHOTOPERIODISM IN MARIJUANA The term short-day is something of a misnomer; what marijuana needs is a sufficiently long night. Marijuana flowers only if it has been kept into he dark for at least 9-11.5 hours depending on variety, this critical light...
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    Ok so here is the problem I have been having...

    Oh here, I see people are throwing chat about this here and there in this thread so here's the real answer to the argument Chlorine is added to water systems to kill infectious agents, but when the water is used for irrigation, the chlorine kills some of the beneficial microorganisms in the...
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    Am i close?

    it takes 10 days of 9-11.5 hours of uninterrupted darkness for the plant to switch from veg to flowering. So you should know around the 10th day of it flowering what the sex is
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    Deformed plants?

    pic 1 is growing like that because of a Zinc (Zn) deficiency. You can fix this by: using an iron-zinc-manganese (Fe-Zn-Mn) micro mix to solve the deficiency. Zn sulfate (ZnSO4), chelated Zn or zinc oxide (ZnO) will also adjust the deficiency. Good luck
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    Please Copy/Paste & fill this out. It will help me diagnose you within minutes of posting in most cases
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    Ok so here is the problem I have been having...

    Upper leaves issue is from an Iron deficiency & your lower plant issue is a Nitrogen deficiency. An Iron deficiency may indicate a pH imbalance, which your pH is 8.4(Way too Alkaline); for this soil grow you are doing you need to drop it to between 5.8-6.5. Because most of the nutrients the...
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    Yellow spots? Need Help

    This ones hard, seems like maybe a mix of Leaf Septoria & Powdery Mildew. <This is my *guess*.. Sorry I cant help further. How long did you say this has been going on and how fast has it been spreading?
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    Advanced Nutrients are great!!!

    I just like a multi part it makes it easier to fix 1 deficiency, id hate to try fixing one and create another by doing so.