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  1. R

    Too much light???

    I figured that that's why I put it in the pic I knew someone would know I'm sure that's just from me giving it nuets when it didn't need it cuz at first I assumed it was a deficiency n was coincidence it happened again until it progressed and noticed lower lighter fan leaves n burnt tips on the...
  2. R

    Too much light???

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. R

    Too much light???

    It's a cheap hood there's no modifying it it's like thin Tin I could bend it pretty easy if I wanted to n it's in a small open room roughy 3X4 vertical space is roughly 7ft I put 2 plants in at a time
  4. R

    Too much light???

    Top of the canopy is 78-81 the 600 watt hps is just a reflector which isn't vented I didn't really no what I was doing when I first ordered the light didn't think it would really matter now I shoulda spent the extra money n got it but for now it's what I have n heat is my biggest hurdle but the...
  5. R

    Too much light???

    I feel better about it now gonna put the light on 100% tomorrow n do my best to keep heat down n see what happens Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. R

    Too much light???

    Sweet I'll post some of the blue cheese as well Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. R

    Too much light???

    I'll def keep it going I'll post pics this weekend of the current status of the plant it's in week 5 plan on flowering it 9-10 weeks did the last crop at 9 exactly so try letting it go an extra week see what happens
  8. R

    Too much light???

    The soil is just under 7 normally how do I lower it? Does all that saw dust around the base stuff work?
  9. R

    Too much light???

    Should I move the light closer? It seems like if I put it close to where it needs to be it gets worse so I moved it to like 20in I just feel like it's gonna mess the buds up if it keeps spreading
  10. R

    Too much light???

    Soooo pretty much just keep a close eye on it and keep on keepin on?? Like I said before that last plant turned out fine I feel buds were nice big n dense tons of crystals and hits ya quick but I have yet to have one that was grown with zero issues and it feels as strong as the blue cheese that...
  11. R

    Too much light???

    Soooo pretty much just keep a close eye on it and keep on keepin on?? Like I said before that last plant turned out fine I feel buds were nice big n dense tons of crystals and hits ya quick but I have yet to have one that was grown with zero issues and it feels as strong as the blue cheese that...
  12. R

    Too much light???

    That's what it looks like it. It's almost as if it spits the leaf in half it it shrinks one side and lightens in color and it is a clone from the plant that did it last crop????
  13. R

    Too much light???

    They were from single seeds I believe the breeder was something Buddha (don't remember exact name) I can look later
  14. R

    Too much light???

    I use well water which comes out at 7 the only time I adjust it is if I'm using nuets which I have only used several times in this crop n was the organic fox farms and both plants are in a compost mix bottom half of pot is compost rest is perlite n no name soil the last batch had controlled...
  15. R

    Too much light???

    Also checked the ph of soil n was just under 7 and the blue cheese next to it has a lot better color (don't believe you can see it in pic) or and doesn't have twisted leaves so just kinda had me concerned since the last one did the same thing
  16. R

    Too much light???

    I have 3 fans it's a 3X4 room roughly the rh hovers around 40-50 idk if the issue is a huge deal I would like to correct it but the mother of this plant turned out great coulda been better in assuming this is my 3rd batch of plants
  17. R

    Too much light???

    is the WW a light sensitive plant? This is my second one and the same thing happened to both plants the parts closest to the light turn yellow and like half the leave shrinks causing pry of the leave to curl and a majority of the leaves are light color I harvested the plant and turned out fine...