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  1. Youratowel32@gmail

    One fingered beauty, when oh when can I harvest?

    I wish. I dont weigh, so theres no telling. Its enough with the iso ill extract from the trim to last me over til spring once its cured. On another note...Since I have asthma and allergies...I'm going to assume that if it were moldy I'd have sneezed and or coughed at some point during trim. This...
  2. Youratowel32@gmail

    One fingered beauty, when oh when can I harvest?

    I had to cut it down...going to move. Smoked my scissor hash and I'm so happy I can't believe...all goes to show the power is in the strain I suppose, because this plant was on her last leg at harvest time...and I'm thrilled with the results. Just sayin.
  3. Youratowel32@gmail

    One fingered beauty, when oh when can I harvest?

    Well...I just can't understand why you think it looks like rot. Are you zooming in at all? This is not my first time growing any plant...just a cannabis.... It's hilarious to us that it looks like mold...cuz its just so weird that as unhealthy as it is that it's THAT soaked in trichromes. It's...
  4. Youratowel32@gmail

    One fingered beauty, when oh when can I harvest?

    Lmfao...nooooooo...those are frosty trichromes covering purple clayxs. It's not's a shot of it in the sun, rather than with my crappy cell. Thats why high expectations...this thing reeks like grape candy, and the the strain. I thought it was mold when it started...
  5. Youratowel32@gmail

    One fingered beauty, when oh when can I harvest?

    Anyway..I know its crap and I screwed it up. Lol. But thanks for everyone's advice helping me finish up my first plant. I've learned much...mostly to double triple and re check before you take advice from anyone. And not to use miracle grow products. But thanks to all.
  6. Youratowel32@gmail

    One fingered beauty, when oh when can I harvest?

    Pretty sure you haven't got a clue what you are looking at...are you using a flip phone? It's a bad burn because I'm using mg. Potting soil. It's been in flower since day 30 of veg, there are prolific colonies of dying spider mites all over 2 branches, and it got crushed by a pallet in a...
  7. Youratowel32@gmail

    It's a mutant!?!?

    THANKYOU...some douchebag is trying to convince me its mold. I've been spraying it w neem to combat mites... No f'n way its mold. Thanks guys. As for the nute burn...yeah, live and learn-and never, ever use miracle grow potting soil. EVER.
  8. Youratowel32@gmail


    Someone tell me this mutant-twice-veged-unhealthy plant is not covered in mold...and if it can I salvage what's left? Because this is week 20 or something like that. I'm tired of nursing it along and ready to start over...but don't want to throw away what looks to be serviceable...
  9. Youratowel32@gmail

    It's a mutant!?!?

    Wow. It uploaded pics twice....smh. Phone :(.
  10. Youratowel32@gmail

    It's a mutant!?!?

    Pretty sure I've stopped the veg...its stretched waaay more than it should another thread I've got a guy telling me it's covered in mold. I thought this was the natural dying off of leaves near the end of the cycle. And just for the record, the test bud I slaughtered was A.amazing...
  11. Youratowel32@gmail

    One fingered beauty, when oh when can I harvest?

    Dying leaves...lots of gland action...tiny buds...been in flower since late august...ugh.
  12. Youratowel32@gmail

    One fingered beauty, when oh when can I harvest?

    Mold!!?? There's no mold, sir...I am battling spider mites tho. First grow, first plant..just trying to salvage her so I'll have a nice Christmas. The white hairs are receding...there are around 15% turned to Amber. Due to an absurd amount of stretching, this plant has tiny, tight popcorn size...
  13. Youratowel32@gmail

    It's a mutant!?!?

    Both of wich it has been through....this.makes me want to.go to school for botany.and business before mass.legalization occurs.
  14. Youratowel32@gmail

    It's a mutant!?!?

    What could have caused my plant to revert to growing seven and nine fingered fan leaves to just one and sometimes 3? I realize stress, but this seems out of the norm to me. Gdp strain...month 5... Still waiting to harvest!!
  15. Youratowel32@gmail

    One fingered beauty, when oh when can I harvest?

    Planted this lady in June, it is now November here in the Midwest four state area.... I have resorted to bringing her inside at night...due to housing circumstances she's been thrown in and out of veg twice now...obviously has some nute issues, and I'll never use miracle gro potting soil...
  16. Youratowel32@gmail

    Pruning dying leaves while flowering??

    Thanks for all the input guys. I suspected the dying leaves may just be getting used up by the plant...that said I'm not gonna nute any more this week. And I have to more her inside since we're getting into the 40's here...bought some cheap cfls today and plan to wait another 2/3 days to bring...
  17. Youratowel32@gmail

    GDP, (auto??) Is this normal?

    Decided against empsom salts and just went mg. Tomato at 50%. It's got plenty of just what it needs. Tried feeding it to the clone..its looking amazing. Just pruned all the necrotic leaves..not stems. And hoping for the best case scenario.
  18. Youratowel32@gmail

    Pruning dying leaves while flowering??

    I just did some research on defoliation during the flower I pinched all my leaves (not stems) that were necrotic over 70%. Also watered with a 50% m.g. tomato food mix just before pruning. Thoughts, comments? This is my first plant, I'm aware and treating deficiencies... Outdoor grow...
  19. Youratowel32@gmail

    Are these trichromes?/

    Yeah...making sure she gets plenty if light. Wish I lived in Colorado right now.