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  1. L

    Harvest too soon?

  2. L

    Timetable for Harvest?

    Yeah tonight it's supposed to get down to 39 so I'm kind of worried about them. Thanks!
  3. L

    Timetable for Harvest?

    Well it's starting to get pretty cold here so would it be okay if I chopped it down next week?
  4. L

    Timetable for Harvest?

    It's been about 4 weeks since I started seeing trichomes.
  5. L

    Timetable for Harvest?

    Not too sure when to harvest these. Can you guys give me any tips on them? It would be greatly appreciated!
  6. L

    When to Harvest?

    So when do you think they'll be ready if you had to guess? You think about 3 weeks?
  7. L

    When to Harvest?

    Hey guys! I'm not too sure when to harvest this and it's gonna start getting cold but I don't want to pull them too early! If I could get some advice that would be amazing! Thanks!
  8. L

    When to Harvest?

    Hi guys! I was wondering how much longer you think this plant needs to go for? This plant just started to grow on its own. (Sorry for bad quality picture)