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  1. M

    Can you get away with growing 10 cannabis plants inside?

    Would you get away with 10 plants? I'm an illegal country though, not even medical. I was just wondering about the smell or electricity use and stuff. I've grown before and I love it so I was thinking of starting for real, make a little money on the side. Of course I'd much rather do it legally...
  2. M

    Stem cracked and now leaves above crack look droopy

    Wow she looks amazing, congrats! Mine cracked halfway through the flowering stage though... its gotten a lot worse, the leaves are nearly yellow and the colas are falling down. I'm thinking maybe i sluld just cut it off?
  3. M

    Stem cracked and now leaves above crack look droopy

    Oh well, haha. Just hadn't been giving it enough love. Thanks your help guys!:)
  4. M

    Stem cracked and now leaves above crack look droopy

    you reckon? alright, thanks for answering! Guess maybe it could have a sort of supercrop effect? Haha thats just basingitself on my optimism...
  5. M

    Stem cracked and now leaves above crack look droopy

    Hey guys, Tuesday my stem cracked because of a wind gust but not completely. There still should have been enough room for water and all that to go through the stem up to the leaves above the crack. However, even before the stem cracked the place where it cracked was brown/black and very moist...