Search results

  1. Oonte

    Friend Fucked on a front; What to do?

    Sound like good plan. I would do the same.
  2. Oonte

    Opinions needed with pre harvest Trichomes

    Hey. Thrichs can be without cloudy but with amber. So as you said they are full of amber I would get harvest. Have a great yield.:eyesmoke:
  3. Oonte

    growing to flowering?

    No, only if you make clones.
  4. Oonte

    Real time strategy games

    Starcraft - my fave too
  5. Oonte

    Rate the song above

  6. Oonte

    The Best Songs of the 1980s

  7. Oonte

    Hello folks

    Yohoho! Hello!
  8. Oonte

    Show off your balls.

    Wow, really big! :shock:
  9. Oonte

    Are these ready to harvest?? First time grower

    If I see trihomes not ready yet, but I'm not sure. I'd keep for some time.
  10. Oonte

    Ready or not..

    For me is finished. Also try to check trichomes with loupe.
  11. Oonte

    Dj short blue berry finished!

    :clap: the best buds!