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  1. W

    Wexpert's closet grow

    my apologies for no late news posts. my camera has been broken so i have not been able to post pictures. without pictures i see no need to make posts. however i will give a short update on Day 34. The middle plant is doing great at a little over 11" tall. Number 1 is at about 9.5", and the...
  2. W

    Wexpert's closet grow

    The plants seem to like being leaf fed a light dose of ferts. Everything looking good. Number 3 is now growing sideways.
  3. W

    Wexpert's closet grow

    well I tried my hand at fim'ing today. I decided to try it on the retard plant (#3) since it probably won't make it to flowering anyway. Started leaf feeding the plants with nutes... I'll continue with that while giving them distilled water. Number is doing really well. i haven't been...
  4. W

    Wexpert's closet grow

    Well. Plants are looking good. I've only been watering when they start to droop a little. The yellowing went away after I started using distilled water. I used a small dose of ferts when watering this morning. I'm going to keep on doing that until they get a little bigger and I can feed...
  5. W

    Wexpert's closet grow

    skipped another day. got 5 leaves going on on the thrid set and the fourth set is looking good. still have some yellowed looking leaves but they appear to be growing fine. I can't find any other reason for the yellowing but if it's not affecting growth I can't complain. If anyone who reads...
  6. W

    Wexpert's closet grow

    skipped a day. plants have a yellow tinge to the new growth. idk i thought it was a deficiency so I gave them some more nutes but I think that might be the problem. Raised the lights a little and started giving them only distilled water.
  7. W

    Wexpert's closet grow

    i've added some fans for intake and exhaust.. they seem to be holding a constant temp. anyway... the plants look good and healthy. one lost its footing but shes okay now
  8. W

    Wexpert's closet grow

    as expected.... my cabinet turned out great. found some panda film.... i have wayyyyy too much so if someone on here wants to buy some just hit me up. The plants seem to love the CFLs.... the problem with the leaf tips curling seems to have mended. I'm going to pick up an O of some fire...
  9. W

    Wexpert's closet grow

    upon reading some stuff about HPS, I decided to just build a complete CFL cabinet for the veg stage. When it comes time to flower I'll switch back to the HPS I was using. Anyways. I have 6 cfl's in series built into a frame suspended by chain so that height may be adjusted. the thing on the...
  10. W

    Wexpert's closet grow

    well.... mediocre news. The second set of leaves started to curl a bit at the edges. No sign of color changing so I think it's probably just heat stress. Moved the light farther away from the plants and got a fan blowing in there. Also gave them some distilled water to flush out some of the...
  11. W

    Wexpert's closet grow

    Not only have the plants NOT been stunted from the transplantation, they seem to be thriving in their new homes. The ferts seem to have helped a lot, even at that extremely low dosage. From the time I watered yesterday to today the leaf sets have doubled in size on the biggest plant. Even the...
  12. W

    Wexpert's closet grow

    my babies are growing up so fast. i was really expecting some halt in growth today since i transplanted yesterday. However, those bitches have gone ahead and grew their 2nd and third leaves on the 2nd node and new leaves are forming for the 3rd. The stalk of number 3 (the runt) has gotten a...
  13. W

    Wexpert's closet grow

    so i was looking at some other people's journals and it seems that they have a LOT of growth by one week. Are my plants average? is it strain related? Oh and I went ahead and transplanted. Took a look through the cup and realized the roots were all the way down at the bottom. In order to...
  14. W

    Wexpert's closet grow

    continuing daily updates. Fertilizers should be here in a couple days. Will probably transplant to big pots in a few days rather than a week. New growth can be seen in the center... can't wait for that third set of leaves! Some side angles of the plants to show the stalk growth... much thicker.
  15. W

    This time.... this time there WILL be buds...

    holy shit those are some sexy buds
  16. W

    Wexpert's closet grow

    It's been one week since the sprouts burst through the surface and began their struggle to make it in this world. Today's growth doesn't seem as good as yesterday. Number one (the one with seed casing still attached to its cotyledon) has surpassed my expectations and grown faster than the...
  17. W

    Wexpert's closet grow

    Today seems to have brought in some exponential growth. The second set of leaves are looking good on #1 and #2. #3 is the runt I suppose. Temps about the same today.
  18. W

    first timer

    it's either high mids or bsters. I smoke some of a friend's stash and then just got the seeds from him. I got a nice head high off of it so I'm hopin for some good buds.
  19. W

    first timer

    after browsing for a couple weeks i decided to ahead and register. My name's robert and i'll be keeping a grow journal updated daily.
  20. W

    Wexpert's closet grow

    pictures are in order by plant number now. oh and the HPS does something crazy to my camera so it has lines through the pictures. I ordered some Jack's Classic the other day so I'll start introducing that in a couple weeks once the plants use up the in-soil ferts.