Search results

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    Homebrew Beer w/ Marijuana Recipes

    Hmm...I like beer. And, I like me some Jane. So, only one thing to deduce from those facts. I must make me some Cannabeer.
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    pets and weed

    My sister's cat is most definitely a pot head. It can be anywhere in the house, and then once it smells that sweet smell, it'll be at the basement door wanting to come on down. Once down there, it hangs out around the circle until we're done.
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    Elite Rolling Society

    Looks like to me that it says 5$ for a month, so yes, 20eu would make you an Elite for little bit.
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    Hey, Chris. I'm new here as well, but figured I'd welcome you to the fold. Good luck in your project.
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    Hello all.

    Both things will be a nice departure from many of the forums I have frequented in the past. Thanks.
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    Greasemonkey's Art

    Loving the darkness of the Ollie one. Nice work, dude.
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    Stoner Paintings

    Very cool work right there. It's your major, right? Unless...the rents are paying for your way.
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    My take on the 100 dollar bill

    Right here---> See the Secret Message in a $20.00 bill!
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    Hemp Pets

    I need to get a pic of my sis's dog with the hemp collar. Nice pics, thusfar, though.
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    Hello all.

    Hey there. Came across this site by accident looking for laws in MN and thought, 'What they hey'. My connects haven't been very consotent lately, so, I've toyed with the notion of trying my hand at supplying myself. We'll see how that goes, if I take the plunge.