I'm gonna have a 5x4 grow tent and I thought it would be a good idea to have the tent at least 6 inches off the ground since I work in the culinary field it is law to have all food products at least six inches off the ground. Plus carpets are filthy and I want the cleanest bud possible. I...
What about vivosun??
VIVOSUN 2-in-1 60”x48”x80” Mylar Reflective Grow Tent for Indoor Hydroponic Growing System https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07HQRGL6P/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_WE75HVMGYDGVBG8NMTJK?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
So it's been over a decade since I've grown and I'm looking at this tent that has multiple ventilation holes. I plan on running a 400w LED and was wondering which hole was supposed to be intake and which was supposed to be outtake, I think that's how it goes... Help!
Official product...
So, some crop got mud on it when dogs dug around the area. Even if I knocked it off there is still residual dirt on it. Someone told me i could make hash with it but i think that's not very safe... I would be using dry ice with bubble bags.
I just wanted a quick response so I decided to post this here instead of the bug forum....
Is this grasshopper giving birth or is eating one of those pesky bud worms??? Not sure what to do in this situation however I do want to act quickly...
Hey... Is it bad to mix the liquid karma and hygrozyme in the same gallon of water? I wouldn't imagine either of them with the succanat would be an issue
Thanks to everyone who has offered assistance, my current plan to contract the suction of the exhaust fan is to insert a DIY PVC frame internal to my day tent. In theory this in conjunction with dialing my inline fan down to 50% should prevent my tent from imploding on itself. Comments...
I have a register installed on a lower corner of my tent however it lets a lot a of light in which is bad for the night cycle so I have it loosley covered with some more poly film however that greatly diminished the air exchange. I've always herd co2 is the last variable to try and dial in and...
I apologize im very tired and unsure how ro banf the rope. My walls are poly film hanging from the ceiling with velcro where would i attach the rope? Do i use tape???
So my 430 cfm fan as I guessed started making my tent collapse on itself so I unplugged it, realized the carbon filter could still be used with the flan blowing Into it... I really hope the fan speed control i plan on picking up tomorrow will tame this beast and not make my tent implode...
Its an inline I have a carbon filter and a silencer however I'm not sure how to effectively use both if I am pulling instead of pushing thebfilterbis closed on one end
yes the fan would be on the floor however the duct would be pulling air from the top, I'm not sure if I said that clearly or if you understood and still disagreed with me. My tent is actually DIY Velcro poly film and the top is the ceiling and I would be pulling from the top of the side of the...
Soooooooo.... is that a yes or a no? I understand haste makes waste but many other factors in my life are overwhelming me with stress and anxiety and this is just the straw that broke them camels back
I cashed out on a at-600 because it claims not to produce heat however my 4x8 tent got up to 95 degrees Fahrenheit after my first night of its use. My plan is to attach ducting at the top of my tent and have a 430cfm sitting outside the tent on the floor pulling air out does the logistics of...