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  1. tucker19

    Ego death

    I got about 7-8g sitting ready to go but I've heard and read that 7g + will send you above and beyond like this "ego death" you guys like to dive right into..i dont quite think I'm ready for that you know. But if 5g don't do much.. can i get to that point with the 7-8 I got? Any input definitely...
  2. tucker19

    Ego death

    bro I got a good buzz going but still nothing special,you think it might be potency issue?
  3. tucker19

    Ego death

    i did use the scissors and chopped 5g but i just added them to warm coffee and slugged it down,that should work yes?
  4. tucker19

    Ego death

    who would recommend the best way to consume shrooms? recently iv had them with chocolate milk, in capsules,just eaten fresh swallowed dry and slightly brewed?Any info will be great thanks.
  5. tucker19

    Ego death

    taking lad at work thats my kind of shit,yous guys mental..just the way I like it cunt get no hood lad where I am tho
  6. tucker19

    Ego death

    friend thanks for the advice.. Its been frozen ones or to days here now where I am does that infact mean they have stopped growing?
  7. tucker19

    Ego death

    you guys having some awesome Tripp..dont think I'd go quite that deep yet as just only a year into shrooms but definitely like to be tripping balls . I took 50 fresh Libs at a good size and didn't get much other than what id call Level 1,I had 3g dried then another 4g dried on top of that on wed...
  8. tucker19

    libs goin black over night? info please

    wasn't great,slightly lower temp,then decided to stick a fan on and raised temp slightly..most of them seem to be ok now but what you reckon could cause such quick decay?
  9. tucker19

    libs goin black over night? info please

    cany anyone give me any info on why my libs would decompose so quick?
  10. tucker19

    Best way to consume shrooms?

    are guys all from the states?or around about?
  11. tucker19

    help please

    you know what bro..that exactly my thoughts, thanks alot
  12. tucker19

    help please

    cheers bud,how long you reckon it got to go? I was thinking of starting to flush?
  13. tucker19

    help please

    can anyone help, by telling me I this plant look ok? It in 6-7 week flower. Any info will help thanks.
  14. tucker19

    Hunting mushrooms

    thanks guys great help,I'm in the east coast of Scotland and it mostly libs here,been out hunting since and Cuming up with good hauls,will get pics
  15. tucker19

    Hunting mushrooms

    I have fairly good idea just not expect lol,cheers buddy
  16. tucker19

    Hunting mushrooms

    can you point me in the right direction,or tell me what you think of these?
  17. tucker19

    plant notvtsking water

    thats good,was going to paint but after this crop I getting a proper grow room set up.,thanks
  18. tucker19

    Hunting mushrooms

    any one from Scotland hunting shrooms?
  19. tucker19

    plant notvtsking water

    do they look otherwise ok? Sometimes it gets a little cold I'm trying to keep it min 20c that ok?any advice helps cheers