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  1. I

    why is my plant more yellow after fertilizing

    Thank you so much for your info. I am sorry for my late response I'm growing in miracle grow moisture controlled potting soil. They are in their 62nd day of flower they were moved from outside 5weeks ago into my new grow room. I think I may have found a mixture that works using the general...
  2. I

    Guide to Nutrient Deficiency or Toxicity

    I know this is way late to say it but this was f$&@!' awesome! Thank u for taking the time. I'd say nitro toxicity is a big prob for me as a new grower without proper drainage watch out fellow newbies!
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    why is my plant more yellow after fertilizing

    hey thanks for your reply, they have red to purplish stems. the leaves are yellowing with green veins the turn all yellow and fall off. Some of the edges of the new growth turn brown and necrotic one particular plant widow # 3. Also, any advice on an OG Kush i have that has dark green leave...
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    why is my plant more yellow after fertilizing

    Whats up everyone my first time doin this so, thanks for any and all help. I have a greenouse white widow plant. the lower leaves were wilting and turning yellow. So I watered with GH Flora series 8 - 1 - 10 NPK, (850 ppm). Ph 5.8 - 6.2 (My digital meter broke, going old school with the test...