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  1. P

    simple veg recipe?

    i keep em strong with excessive micronutrients like epsom. Never had a mold problem. Seriously tho. Try it
  2. P

    simple veg recipe?

    I tried upping the epsom to 2 tblsp per gallon and theyre just takin off rasta roy. Have you heard of a dog shit foliar spray. I know it sounds crazy but you just make a heavy tea and hit the buds with it like a week befor harvest. You would think it might leave a funny taste but it comes out...
  3. P

    suddent plant death wtf!!!

    Ya my ppms were at 670 when i opened the room. But the lights had been out fr a while. It might have been lower earlier in the day. Wow that could be the problem huh, i had another one look a little on the droopy side in the same room and neither one was dried out enough to get the droops. I...
  4. P

    suddent plant death wtf!!!

    Heres the full droop she was in for no aparent reason
  5. P

    suddent plant death wtf!!!

    Chaos strain needs root space more than others. I have a couple other strains that seem flower better in the 15s. (*Fabric pots not air pots)
  6. P

    suddent plant death wtf!!!

    Dude i think i might have panicked. Its starting to perk up a little, still pretty droopy tho. If i knew how to post pics i would just show u but i veg them out to be pounders. I just got the measuring tape out lol. Its 40" tall from the dirt and 32" wide. Its a "chaos. I know from experience...
  7. P

    suddent plant death wtf!!!

    I just had a healthy plant die. Ive been vegging it for around 60 days now and it was perfectly healthy. Ive been feeding the same stuff to all my veg girls. Alaska brand fish and kelp, a half tsp freeze dried aloe vera, bio ag fulvic acid and top dressing with a little azomite. And using...
  8. P

    NFTGs line, Any positive feedback or advice please

    Ya, its not really even aflush,i just use wTer with like a yucca just to use up some of the excess ferts . I recently added azo.ite top dress to my program and it helps for sure
  9. P

    simple veg recipe?

    Hell ya rasta, thats all i used on my tomatos this year and they turned out dank! He just popped some corleone kush seeds and u can smell em in veg state
  10. P

    simple veg recipe?

    Oh yeah i have him using my bushdoctor coco loco for a medium. Pretty good stuff but it does run out of juice after a couple weeks. Basically like ocean forest but coco based
  11. P

    simple veg recipe?

    Watsup homies!? I realize the organics folks are not big on using bottled nutes but my brother wants to start popping seeds, crossing strains and vegging plants for me and another friend. Heres what i have on hand to work with. Alaska brand bottled fish 5-1-1. Alaska brand kelp"bottled"...
  12. P

    Super Coco public test thread

    I would just use a bigger pot on heavier feeders and long flowering strains. But i had a 75 day strain that did better in m3 because i think it can feed easier in the late stages in an organic mix. Just my thoughts.
  13. P

    Super Coco public test thread

    Or if u can get it, theres m3. Its a michigan based company. Th product is peat based but i had the best new york city diesel ever using it. Water only, or i guess i added alittle yucca to my water
  14. P

    Super Coco public test thread

    Hey, bro, just my 2 pennys but i ran a few bags on a few different strains and it runs out prettymuch as soon as u get into flower. I had good luck doing my own super soil just using a basic recipe u would find here a d bushdoctor coco loco soil for. A base. Just make sure whatever soil recipe u...
  15. P

    NFTGs line, Any positive feedback or advice please

    I have about 6 plants harvested with it and they are all super danky and purpley a d all that.
  16. P

    NFTGs line, Any positive feedback or advice please

    Use tritons with caution. Like replace 1/4 of what the total herc volume is
  17. P

    NFTGs line, Any positive feedback or advice please

    I use medusa, gaia, zeus, herc, morphues, demeters, and botanicare sweet for magnesium when i need it. And oh yeah tritons trawl. Tritons ki da replaces athenas ami as i feel like. It has plenty of good aminos. I want to start the bloom khaos but i want to make sure i got this feeding schedule...
  18. P

    NFTGs line, Any positive feedback or advice please

    Biobizz? Whats in that stuff. Is it organic stuff.
  19. P

    Nectar For The Gods & FFOF

    Or i could just stick to my coco haha. Thanks yoda. I am not amending my soil at all. Andnectar is pretty low on salt if any.
  20. P

    nectar for the gods

    So your soil brings up the ph that fast between every feed. And are you adding lime. I always up the hh and mega morph right before flower to get them ready for the switch. It seems to help reduce stretch but i could be imagining it haha.