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  1. I


    This is my first major grow including the advanced nutrients, maybe i should have been clearer. Has anyone used the "fuzzy root system?" and if so what was your yield like? And what do u think my yield will be like? In terms of ounces per plant. In the past i've grown a whiteberry plant and got...
  2. I


    My reason for cutting the fan leaves is so the bottom shoots can get more light, thus not affecting the growth of other desired shoots. the fan leaves just absorb the light and produces no bud. Bad hypothesis?????????
  3. I


    this is my first major grow. i have 36 plants under 4 1000watts bulbs... i use the "fuzzy root system" and other macro and micro essentials, all from advanced nutrients. if everything goes well what kind of yield should i expect from each plant out of my blueberry project? I heard anything below...
  4. I


    If I remove all fan leaves from the plant at any stage of its life, but specifically a month into vegging will it shock or impair growth to my girl?
  5. I

    Cloning from Fan Leaves

    If I remove all fan leaves from the plant at any stage of its life, but specifically a month into vegging will it shock or impair growth to my girl?