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  1. Kornelija Earthling

    Forum Help Thread

    Heyyy, so when I signed up for this lovely forum and it asked me for "name" I was not aware that is what would become my screen name. Is there a way to change my name on here?
  2. Kornelija Earthling

    Anyone Here Use Probiotics?

    I vote yes if you don't have issues and eat a good diet I wouldn't worry about trying them. Definitely keep in mind for those spells of eating fast food crap daily! And if you ever develop any issues. Until then, just eat probiotic kefyr and yogurt a few times a week. You probably have a good...
  3. Kornelija Earthling

    Anyone Here Use Probiotics?

    Wow, you should really get tested for H-Pylori infection. Half the world population has the bacteria, most without symptoms, but something like this sounds like the probiotics are what's keeping them from doing damage. I just found out I have it, only after a whole year of abdominal pain and...
  4. Kornelija Earthling

    does anyone here inject gear

    Dude. You're too young for this shit. Do you know that your very brain isn't fully grown until you're 26? So may allow your future self the chance to get a little bit more intelligent and possibly discovered what a terrible decision it is to fuck with your body like that. Don't be stupid! That's...
  5. Kornelija Earthling

    Coughing Up black/ gray mucus *Warning, Photo's of said mucus inside*

    I've smoked for 11 years now, about 7 or 8 of them daily, and about 6 years heavy (4-10 bowls a day) and I started coughing up grey specled mucus maybe 5 years ago. It worried me a little, but I've been checked out by doctors multiple times and they never hear anything in my lungs that worries...
  6. Kornelija Earthling

    Welcome New Members!

    Helloooo everyone :) my name is Kornelija, been a smoker for about... 11 years now. Nice to join ya'll! Love & light to all! Namaste fellow earthlings :)