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  1. growpie

    300w cfl grow

    the bests have been cut i've been having problems with my phones camera doesn't work ill have a smoke report on some dried bud pics in about a week zurry :( bongsmilie:bigjoint:
  2. growpie

    300w cfl grow

    heres 2 pics from this morning sorry yesterday lights were off when i finished the gym so i didn't bother passing by
  3. growpie

    300w cfl grow

    Day 61 will upl pics later hairs started turning brown generally and some are pulling back about 5-7 days left maybe 1 week and half.. :D
  4. growpie

    300w cfl grow

    day 56 :) the end is close ! i took a bit more than usual
  5. growpie

    300w cfl grow

    day 55 :) bongsmilie:clap::bigjoint:
  6. growpie

    300w cfl grow

    day 51 :bigjoint::blsmoke:bongsmilie yippiheh more bud porn ;)
  7. growpie

    300w cfl grow

    heres from day 46 but the angle i took allpws to see more bud sites than top view
  8. growpie

    300w cfl grow

    day 46 more bud porn :)
  9. growpie

    300w cfl grow

    those are from day 43 but though id upload em still looking yummeh
  10. growpie

    litle late but hey : seedbag first grow

    For those of you wondering where im at 3 years later :) sorry I had to move out on first grow right after last update :/ and after so long I had forgotten my first account info's so here I am back with cfls again 300w !
  11. growpie

    300w cfl grow

    would be awesome to get advice on anything if possible i've had much good feedback fron the start but not much advice yet... anyone watching :) ?bongsmilie
  12. growpie

    300w cfl grow

    day 36 heres some pics of day 35 :)
  13. growpie

    300w cfl grow

    back ! day 33 always more trychomes more buds :) everything fine exept i think one of em is having a late zinc def that seems to affect really old growth will try and adjust that but appart of that.... they look delicious ! :bigjoint:bongsmilie:eyesmoke:
  14. growpie

    300w cfl grow

    day 26 a shit load of thrychomes the smell is jot overwelming though its nice even on close up it doesn't smell that much but has a nice pine citrus smell i find.
  15. growpie

    300w cfl grow

    flowering day 24 nice gain in size i fixed a humidity problem... i have another def im working on identifying running ph tests on next plain water feed :) anyway enjoy the pics :bigjoint:bongsmilie
  16. growpie

    3rd CFL micro grow

    nice ! and to give you an answer sometimes putting a plant in dark for 24h forces maturity to start, i think its a plant survival instinct if i remember correctly :) but no it doesn't work in 100% of cases though
  17. growpie

    300w cfl grow

    flowering day 20 thos epics are from yesterday though ! :)
  18. growpie

    First indoor grow...300w cfl

    sweeeeeeettt buddy ! nice bud porn ! i wish you the best smoke ! looking fu**ing pretteh ! greetings !
  19. growpie

    First indoor grow...300w cfl

    awesome keep up the good work buddy and if you may aswell update us on what you did with this outdoors of yours would love to know how they turned out ! keep it up bongsmilie:bigjoint::clap: