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  1. T

    Inspection time soon!

    Don't open the door.....The end
  2. T

    I need QUALITY seeds

    How do some of you guys get your seeds. I need a strain that is potent, this bagseed grow op shit ain't cutting it no more. I want ANY good strain but it's not worth going to jail over. Anybody know a GOOD, SAFE place to order seeds online discretely...
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    How well do you think I could grow with this, It's half a tanning bed 6 105 W tanning bed bulbs. I usually grow with a 400W HPS and a bunch 'O' CFL's
  4. T

    How Much...

    We'll an 8th of Reg goes for $10. Dro is about $50 an 1/8. Kind is usually $20ish for an 8th. I figured $20 to $30 was about right, but, if the same people come back night after night...Maybe, I'm undervaluing my quality buds. Wondering what some of my fellow farmers charge for their buds...
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    How Much...

    I haven't been able to smoke but a couple of bowls in the last few months. A job thing. Sometimes you can't smoke I suppose. However, I got all this home grown weed and people looking for greens. The weed is from Kind seeds. It's seedless and few stems. How much SHOULD I be selling it for? I was...
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    When to pick...

    How should or, what are recommended ways of curing and drying buds. I was thinking that I could wold simply hang some string across my grow room and simply clip the stem to the string line, will the rooms light cycle effect the quality. What would you personally recomend? Does a lack of highly...
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    When to pick...

    This is my third grow. My first grow I figured out how to sorta keep a plant alive. My second grow I learned some more advanced ways of cultivating marijuana and, the value of an HPS setup. To this point no viable smoke.:twisted: This my third grow I have taken all previously learned lessons and...
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    Did it work

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    Do I need a Ballast for all wattages of HPS or Hay lights? I have a 400 watt HPS that I run off a ballast, If I was to buy a 100 watt Metal Halide would I need another ballast or would the light fixture be sufficent.
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    Harvest Question

    Alright, Calaxs and tricromes are?
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    Harvest Question

    What is the best indicator of when it is time to harvest? What are the consequences of not harvesting soon enough?
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    Please Help

    I have a problem...All of my fan leafs are drooping on one of my better looking plants. I don't have pics, so I understand it will be hard to say definitively what the problem is. I thought perhaps that the roots were being constricted by the size of the pot. Got a new pot...transplanted. When I...
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    Light Or no Light...

    Should my clones be kept in the dark or in the light. I have read the root system developes faster at night. Any help would be nice.:joint:
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    I've Got Some BIG Balls...

    I just started flowering my biggest, she (hopefully pessimistic) has been on a 12/12 light cycle for about 2 or so weeks. Recently I have started to spot many small balls near the tip top of my plant. Possible Pollen sacs, Or Normal development of most plants?? I seem to be able to locate fine...
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    I have a question...

    To some of you more seasoned growers this may seem an obvious question, When germinating a seed; after it has begun to crack and the white part is sticking out of the end similar to a tail. Which direction should the seed be planted into the soil. White part up, white part down, or does it even...
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    Please Help...

    Is there any value in Infrared heat lamps, As far as the red spectrum is concered?
  17. T

    Please Help...

    Thanks for the link. I'm curious if any of you know a place or a websiste that would sell high quality seeds, (White Widow, Kush) that ships discreetly and won't arouse the attention of the local 5-0.
  18. T

    Please Help...

    I will work on getting pics. Good analogy bytheway. I'm thinking that Paulino might have hit the nail on the head so to speak. What you just described is what I did, in my zeal to begin and have "Super-fast Growth." Did you get your supplies at Wal-Mart too...I suppose I will repot my ladies. I...
  19. T

    Please Help...

    I am new to the forum and before I was a member I read through the messages and got started, rather successfully(Bagseeds). Now I have encountered a problem with my oldest, so to speak. Her (Hopefully:joint: ) leaves at about the 3rd node have started to turn splotchy brown and the surrounding...