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  1. southspain

    First time with autos, second grow ever

    No problem fella. Coco is the bees knees... I'm telling ya, autos are a delicate breed. People say they are easy to grow, and are, for the most part, correct. However, if you go adding additional nutes to an, all ready pungent, medium... You will have stunted plants.. hence why people say they...
  2. southspain

    First time with autos, second grow ever

    Well, plant one could be genetics, however, I think your plants are locked out, and are only taking in the very minimal for growth. Signs of calcium defeincy on the second plant, curled leaves with no visible burn can be either heat stress or low humidity, but also, your plant could be locked...
  3. southspain

    First time with autos, second grow ever

    I have found in my 10 years, that autos do best with minimal help. A good, strong medium will be enough to get your girls to flower.. then depending on size, you adjust your flower nutrirent regime. If you get a stretchy genetic, it may need a little N boost, but generally speaking, autos don't...
  4. southspain

    First time with autos, second grow ever

    It's all genetics baby... Good genes, gets you good results. I am currently growing 5 cheese autos by autodinafem, and they are currently standing at 76 inches. I shit you not. 5 gallon pots, all mix bio bizz, and bio bizz nute line. 400 watt hps. And some poles for support..