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  1. Heromstr

    My Plants are showing symptoms of sickness but I dont know what is going on.

    i went ahead and got rid of the pre fert soil from lows and went to a hydro shop and got fox farms ocean forest and transplanted also added in some lime to maintain the ph balance gonna give them a week and we will see how things turn out. any suggestion on what nutrients i should get because...
  2. Heromstr

    My Plants are showing symptoms of sickness but I dont know what is going on.

    like i said i am only looking for cheep personal and am useing plant and aquarium florescent lights that are full spectrum
  3. Heromstr

    My Plants are showing symptoms of sickness but I dont know what is going on.

    Also there droopy because it is close to sleep time. and the light splotches you see is neem oil.
  4. Heromstr

    My Plants are showing symptoms of sickness but I dont know what is going on.

    Please help i cant figure out the diagnoses and the steps needed to correct the problem. new growth appears to be recovering but I don't know from what. this is my first grow and not looking for anything fantastic just looking to stop buying from people.