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  1. T

    My plants got stretchy

    One of them is completely horizontal, still green as can be.
  2. T

    Drying/curing help

  3. T

    Drying/curing help

    So I pulled this plant yesterday, and I have it hanging in the detached garage, window and regular door open (not garage door), and i live in western colorado, temp is 74, are these conditions acceptable?
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    What you guys think? About a 1/2?

    I think it yielded pretty good for its size.
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    Is that a seed pod on the bottom?

    Sweet thanks man.
  6. T

    Is that a seed pod on the bottom?

    Yeah sorry, doing some research I think its just a swollen calyx
  7. T

    Is that a seed pod on the bottom?

    Sorry I know its a shitty picture, all I have is my macbook, but maybe if you zoom in you can see what I am talking about. Does it show any signs of being hermie? Thanks.
  8. T

    How much do you think this plant will yield?

    Yeah I figured a 1/4oz, maybe a 1/2oz
  9. T

    How much do you think this plant will yield?

    I am pretty sure its cheese dawg or deep cheese, its an outdoor plant, it didnt get very big, i havent given it any nutrients, just water and the sun.It survived spider mites (habanero water really did work) and being ripped out of its contained when it was a seedling by our pet piggy.
  10. T

    How much do you think this plant will yield?

    1/4 dry? The wind was blowing, I guess I should have brought it inside to take pics.
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    Today I noticed some stems are turning purple?

    I mean it has a few dry, crumbly leaves, but they are old ones that have been there for a while.
  12. T

    Today I noticed some stems are turning purple?

    Thanks. This is just an outdoor plant fed on water and the sun. Havent given it any nutes, I mean I could if the consensus thinks its necessary, but other than the color of the stems, it seems to be a pretty happy lil plant.
  13. T

    Today I noticed some stems are turning purple?

    I have heard this may just be genetics, but what else might be the problem?
  14. T

    Can I add canna butter to a recipe that doesn't call for it?

    Yeah well I have replaced oil with butter many times, but this recipe calls for milk and only milk, I was wondering what would happen if I just added butter
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    Can I add canna butter to a recipe that doesn't call for it?

    Well I bought some blueberry muffin mix, the recipe says just add 1/2 cup of milk, so I dunno what will happen if I add the butter?
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    Can I add canna butter to a recipe that doesn't call for it?

    Has anyone ever tried this?
  17. T

    This plant did not look like this earlier this morning

    Should I water the heat stresses one? If so, how much