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  1. ResinDabz


    Bat guano is high in phosphorus so better for when a plant is going into flower you want nitrogen during veg
  2. ResinDabz

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    Gotta love the early girls, 100 gal mickey kush
  3. ResinDabz

    Outdoor plants yellowing

    Yeah feed Alaska fish imulsion every watering next time or every other and they should stay green (spray them aswell with it as a foliar) also flowering takes longer on certain strains so I wouldn't worry about them coming in slowly, did u prep your own soil? even good supersoil will run outta...
  4. ResinDabz

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    Buds coming in
  5. ResinDabz

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    My dog pretending to be a plant
  6. ResinDabz

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    Last 1 still vegging 30 gal bbc
  7. ResinDabz

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    100 gallon mickey kush settling into flower after going into a slight reveg
  8. ResinDabz

    Stalk Talk 16

    30 gal. brian berry cough
  9. ResinDabz

    who is growing some trees????

    30 gal Brian berry cough update photo
  10. ResinDabz

    who is growing some trees????

    I only used Agmino by its self as a soil drench while in veg I wouldn't recommend it for flower probably to much N
  11. ResinDabz

    who is growing some trees????

    Agmino from downtoearth worked good for me, it comes from vegetable protein 14-0-0 dry soluble. takes like 1 tsp a gallon
  12. ResinDabz

    Help! What kind of mites are these?!

    Holy shit!!!
  13. ResinDabz

    who is growing some trees????

    I like to water twice, once It gets like high 80's at around 10 am and again in the mid afternoon when it's like mid 90's
  14. ResinDabz

    who is growing some trees????

    Thing 1. And Thing 2. Both 30 gallon brian berry cough
  15. ResinDabz

    To late to lollipop??

    I'd leave her be she looks very pretty and I think rather short to consider lollipop
  16. ResinDabz

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

    30 gallon Brian berry cough chugging into the ground
  17. ResinDabz


    imo better to just cut them down in half, everything will get locked down and just tiny shoots will come through the net, plus if its that humid it'll just get all matted together and suffocate the plants i'd recommend more training/topping next time in that space
  18. ResinDabz

    Open Show n' Tell 2016

  19. ResinDabz

    My Baby is in trouble.....

    If it Kellogg patio plus then it needed to be mixed in with some premium soil
  20. ResinDabz

    Flowering in June?

    Yeah same here