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  1. ozzmanx30

    First Outdoor Grow "PPP", w/pics

    They started flowering sometimes this week within the last 4 days, there looking good as of now , we will get some pics next time we go , probably tomm.
  2. ozzmanx30

    Organic bug spray

    allright thanks man, Goin to bed- keep posting if possible guys, ill respond in the morn , -peace
  3. ozzmanx30

    Organic bug spray

    hey guys i dont come on here alot but i use it every now and then anyway im looking for a organic and make at home bug spray for my plants
  4. ozzmanx30

    First Outdoor Grow "PPP", w/pics

  5. ozzmanx30

    check this out
  6. ozzmanx30

    NL Flowering, first grow.

    i wanna smoke u and your little buds muahahahahaa
  7. ozzmanx30

    Laced weed?

    yeah ok cool, it did smell pretty dank too
  8. ozzmanx30

    Fucked Up Story About Laced Weed

    so he ran away without looking back and u havent seen him how the fuck do u know this story then?? "I was talking to my friend today about some crazy shit that happened to him not too long ago... A couple of months ago two of my friends were around" "and just books it as fast...
  9. ozzmanx30

    Laced weed?

    hey guys i think my weed could had some pcp i it im not sure though maby u can help me out, Happy new year by the wayy allright so its like 7:00 and me and my friend are getting some weed, well our dealer didnt know that we were coming so we got some of the shit he personaly was smoking that...
  10. ozzmanx30

    Hey guys come look plz-northern lights grow

    its a journal so look at the last pics on page 7 day 14
  11. ozzmanx30

    Hey guys come look plz-northern lights grow
  12. ozzmanx30

    Day 6! Northern Lights

    holy shit man there growing fast now.....cant w8 to smoke itttt
  13. ozzmanx30

    Day 6! Northern Lights

    nope :)....
  14. ozzmanx30

    Day 6! Northern Lights

    wow looking good man ,are supposed to sag a little?
  15. ozzmanx30

    Early Harvest= Sativa High?

    im not sure about that man, and wouldent that also lower the thc level??
  16. ozzmanx30

    Day 6! Northern Lights

    they look suckulent
  17. ozzmanx30

    Day 6! Northern Lights

    look at those sexy lil babies- good thing its in context
  18. ozzmanx30

    Day 6! Northern Lights

    looks pretty good man