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  1. classykeyser

    What is the most Euphoric and uplifting strain you have ever tried?

    I have yet to really find a better hybrid than Jillybean. Great combination. Made me feel extremely euphoric and the taste and smell were on point. Tasted like grapefruit almost and smelled really sweet, great overall strain.
  2. classykeyser

    Need some advice!?!

    Yeah I agree with @Litthefrog. Looks a lot to me like heat stress a little. But now that you've adjusted the lights and flushed you should be good.
  3. classykeyser

    Need some advice!?!

    Clawing usually indicates Nitrogen toxicity. I would just do a flush with plain water. Then start feeding regularly again.
  4. classykeyser

    Delicious Seeds Sugar Black Rose Grow/Smoke Report

    Date: 2/24/2017 Strain: Sugar Black Rose Judge: classykeyser Breeder: Delicious Seeds Grower: classykeyser ================================================= PHYSICAL EXAMINATION ================================================= 1. Visual Appeal: 7.5 out of 10. This is where I felt the Sugar...
  5. classykeyser

    G13 Labs Seeds Blueberry Gum #2 - Grow/Smoke Report

    Date: 02/11/17 Strain: Blueberry Gum #2 Judge: classykeyser Breeder: G13 Grower: classykeyser ================================================= PHYSICAL EXAMINATION ================================================= 1. Visual Appeal: 8.5 out of 10. Nugs looked dense and had purple/blue...
  6. classykeyser

    Most Efficient Cree On the Market

    What is currently the most efficient Cree on the market? I'm looking to replace 2x1000 Watt HPS lights in my grow room with a brand new DiY LED setup. If you have any suggestions on what the best way is to replace this setup it would be appreciated. :)
  7. classykeyser

    Yellow Spots All Over The Leaves During Flowering!?!

    @Punk thanks for the thoughtful reply :bigjoint:
  8. classykeyser

    Yellow Spots All Over The Leaves During Flowering!?!

    I understand that, but I'm just feeding molasses not only due to a comment that was madeearlier, but alsl because of reading that it makes quality of bud better. i think its PH fluctuation because I tested the runoff twice once before a flush that I did prior to seeing these spots and once...
  9. classykeyser

    Yellow Spots All Over The Leaves During Flowering!?!

    @polishpollack No need to be a dick about it. This is my first time grow. Not only did you insult me, but another member of this forum. Not cool.
  10. classykeyser

    Yellow Spots All Over The Leaves During Flowering!?!

    Alright guys thanks for the help! I just fed them today some molasses and a very small dose of bloom nutrients. Hopefully this helps! Thanks again.
  11. classykeyser

    Yellow Spots All Over The Leaves During Flowering!?!

    Yeah the leaves were always this close to the light...I'm doing a pc grow rn so they always are gonna be close.
  12. classykeyser

    Yellow Spots All Over The Leaves During Flowering!?!

    It's definitely not pests as it's an indoor grow and on top of that I've examined the plants extensively. My thinking is maybe a deficiency of some sort? But, I'm not completely sure.
  13. classykeyser

    Yellow Spots All Over The Leaves During Flowering!?!

    So I woke up this morning, the day after a watering, and noticed that a few of my leaves have started developing yellow spots all over. I've already had problems with this plant before and have been giving it hardly any nutrients for the past 5 days now due to what others on the forum and I...
  14. classykeyser

    Nitrogen Toxicity , take a look at the pics, verify , and help, thanks

    That definitely looks like an overdose mixed in with a little bit of overwatering. I'd stop feeding nutes until the burning of the tips of the leaves stops. Moreover, make sure you let the soil get dry at the surface before feeding the plants water again.
  15. classykeyser


    I can't really see the picture very well, but in my experience as long as you're careful even seedlings with issues like that will be fine. Just give it time and don't over water and you should be fine. By the way what soil are you using?
  16. classykeyser

    Yellowing Of Leaves Spreading :/

    I've already posted about my plant problems a couple of times and I have tried flushing the system and providing more nutrients, but the bottom leaves keep turning pale green, then yellowing, and then dying. I still can't figure it out. My plant is 2-3 weeks into flowering and it seems like...
  17. classykeyser

    Potassium Deficiency?

    Alright. Thanks guys! I'll start increasing my dosage and get them up to speed!
  18. classykeyser

    Potassium Deficiency?

    I've been using Happy Frog soil. And they've been in that same dirt for like a month now I'd say. @a mongo frog
  19. classykeyser

    Potassium Deficiency?

    @undercovergrow Thanks for the warm welcome and the help you are providing me!
  20. classykeyser

    Potassium Deficiency?

    Here's a better picture of what happens to the leaves as time wears on. Notice how the tips get burnt to a crisp. Moreover, she has red stems.