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  1. chevyrollin5deep

    brown spots yellowing leaves

    im thinkin nitrogen man ...but im honestly not the most reliable source i got about 12 white widows n they do the same crap but when i add some peters 20 20 20 nitrogen is the main ingrediant...i think ...youll get used to your strain over time
  2. chevyrollin5deep

    major overnight droopage

    haha my bad guys im just a dumbass my surge protector for my pumps n timers were turned off so i guess it was the opposit of overwatering ....underwatering lol turned that bastard on and 2 hours of crying like a baby later that shot back up like a boner on a catholic preist at bible camp
  3. chevyrollin5deep


    hey when your doing your trimming can you take the excess and clone them? i just started a ficus that needs some trimming and i was just woundering about that cause bansai s are a really badass stoner tree
  4. chevyrollin5deep


    just a question what humidity should i be shootin for
  5. chevyrollin5deep

    major overnight droopage

    ok i found like 3 box elders ...could that be the problem
  6. chevyrollin5deep

    major overnight droopage

    their hydroponic on the drip system being fed 6 times in a 24 hour cycle
  7. chevyrollin5deep

    major overnight droopage

    guys we have a problem my 3 prettiest fave ladies have some major overnight droopage .......what do i do to help im gonna have a heart attack here
  8. chevyrollin5deep

    bansia buds

    that sucks i might just have to go get a bansia tree to add some carma to the grow room
  9. chevyrollin5deep

    my mother is bleeding RED after topping

    hook me up with some of that acid bro
  10. chevyrollin5deep

    mylar is a thing of the past guys

    its not cheap i paid 100 bucks for about a 15 ft roll a year ago at the hydro store ....thats also a 30 dollar trip from here lol do you get it at a online store or a hydro shop in your area should really try the tyvek man it doesnt matter if its a little bit crinkled or what my tyvek...
  11. chevyrollin5deep

    Mylar paper vs Mylar blanket

    screw that use Tyvek its even better than mylar ...water n heat resistant its gonna put mylar outa business
  12. chevyrollin5deep

    mylar is a thing of the past guys

    whats crackin guys ...did a little experiment just because i hate wasteing mylar cuz as you know its some pretty high dollar shit ....well i work in the construction biz and im always working with tyvek (home wrap) and i started to notice while on a ladder that it was so bright of a reflection...
  13. chevyrollin5deep

    Protein Skimmer in Sump

    mine drained my resivor and my heater blew man i was so pissed
  14. chevyrollin5deep

    Protein Skimmer in Sump

    man a protein skimmer who really be a waste with hydroponics yes it would help mix your nutes but you could get the same affect the a air pump or a small water pump...also if you have used a protien skimmer with saltwater youl realize your pretty much condensing fish shit ...but hydroponically...
  15. chevyrollin5deep

    bansia buds

    i would like to know the art of the bansia pot plant i got some overly bushy clones off some white widow and new york deisel and bansia's are badass so why not just have 1 to look at ..your thoughts my niggas
  16. chevyrollin5deep

    Cheap auto drip system. Will it work?

    sounds like it would work man it measures the soils dryness with a peice of ceramic say if it dont work you should deffinantly burn their house down
  17. chevyrollin5deep

    how long should i veg

    hey does anybody know shit about the ad that says their like a condem for your phone ...i stay way to paraniod phone echos .... is it trustable pretty much what im sayin
  18. chevyrollin5deep

    Best legal high?

    ok all u need is a can of rubber cement and about 10 sharpys and a brown motherfuckin bag first ya open the cement n lids of sharpys n put that shit in the bag then huff n huff n huff like hell n kiss your brain cells bye bye .....if that dont work i also recomend the can of cool whip n turn it...
  19. chevyrollin5deep

    how long should i veg

    well im no newb but i got my shit on the drip system vegging under a 250 mh 18 on 6 out well i want to know how long i should vegg befor i have to switch to a couple 400 hps so far my clones are growin bout a inch a day and i dont see the point in small plants so how tall should i go before i...
  20. chevyrollin5deep

    Do these clons look right?

    te perlite should work just fine....personally i only use peat pellets for seedlings....your suppost to use rockwool cubes with cloning and it works great....other than that the clones look good. are they gonna be used in hydrponic ..or soil