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  1. Homegrown0624

    Best light schedule for limited space

    Thanks for the advice. Good looking plants. What kind of yield did you see out of the 400w and two plants?
  2. Homegrown0624

    Best light schedule for limited space

    Hey everyone. New to growing and just getting my tent set up. I have a 400w mh/hps in a cooltube set in a 2x4x5ft mylared tent. Will be using dyna grow line of nutrients once seedlings use up their available nutes. My question to the veterans out there... In the limited space and limited...
  3. Homegrown0624

    12/12 from seed week 9 of flower #HELP

    Looking good man. What kinda light you got them under?
  4. Homegrown0624

    First "Real"grow log - Hey RIU, doing LSD by Barneys Farm In Coco. Lets go!

    I'm new so no help on the light but that's an AWSOME looking plant man!
  5. Homegrown0624

    Welcome New Members!

    I'm new on here and also to growing. Just started seedlings. I have 400watt mh for veg and 400watt hps for flowering. Heat controlled in cooltube in tent with inline fan. Pictures to come when I get everything figured out. Hope to find some good info to help me along my grow journey. Thanks