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  1. Valhalla Seeds

    Thc Farmer

    I wouldn't doubt anything that has been said in this thread, I wouldn't give cash or personal credit card info to icmag or the farm regardless of if the deal would go smooth or not, to much drama shit. Rather order from a place with 0 drama.
  2. Valhalla Seeds

    Gypsy's Picture Depot

    I just could not grow with all those hoses and pumps without messing it up somewhere, my idea of a tree grow is some big ass containers filled with sunshine mix setup with a drip system running Tropf Blumats with a some big ass water tanks for resses.. no timers just set it and forget it :P but...
  3. Valhalla Seeds

    Gypsy's Picture Depot

    Of course you can, I was just pointing out that Krusty Buckets are top when dialed in for monster plants. I personally would rather just grow in sunshine or coco and not worry about equipment going bust, but that is just me. Heres a kfb and dwc Grand daddy purp grow the guy prefers kfb...
  4. Valhalla Seeds

    Gypsy's Picture Depot

    Krusty Buckets are designed for growing monster plants, Im a bit surprised no one has heard of them here..
  5. Valhalla Seeds

    Gypsy's Picture Depot

    its part aeroponics that is why
  6. Valhalla Seeds

    Gypsy's Picture Depot

    Just mentioning it because it gives the biggest yield and fastest growth for growing trees in hydro, but what your doing will work fine, think of it as your system on steroids.
  7. Valhalla Seeds

    Gypsy's Picture Depot

    You won't need wheels now but if you want to move from veg room to flower room its nice to be able to roll your big plants around lol. The Krusty Bucket is like what your dong except the only difference is in the reservoir, for the plant you only have 3" of liquid and you have a air compressor...
  8. Valhalla Seeds

    Gypsy's Picture Depot

    Gypsy those are some awfully big totes you gotta use, are you gonna get that stuff on wheels so you can roll it around. If you plan on growing trees hydro you should look into growing with Krusty Buckets. "Krusty quoted yields of 3.5 lbs per 1,000 watt light. he had 10 x 1000 watters, but ONLY...
  9. Valhalla Seeds

    Gypsy's Picture Depot

    right on, its good to have people to help and talk about growing, I just wish I knew someone that just grows elite mother plants that would be super, I gotta gotta go through the phenos myself if I want something good. Do you find the 15 gallons big enough if your running sunshine mix, I...
  10. Valhalla Seeds

    Gypsy's Picture Depot

    When you start filling up that room are you gonna veg 2 months or squeeze maximum time and start clones first week in flower and basically veg 3 months 1/2 months, just wondering because mblaze said he starts with 1-2 foot clones which are rather large you would basically on the first day of...
  11. Valhalla Seeds

    Pics of the new girls

    whoa that is... :clap::clap::clap: awesome
  12. Valhalla Seeds

    Vertical yalll. Seriously Look

    for yield there is no better way, the space saving in itself is worth it just gotta get the drip system set but that is no big deal, the plants grow towards the light whether or not you angle it so wheres the complication??
  13. Valhalla Seeds

    Pics of the new girls

    That plants gonna be epic, ive been thinking about the tree growing alot, do you think it works better to run 10 week flower strains vs 8 weekers to give you 2 weeks extra time for cloning/veg? I was reading a thread on air layering which basically allows you to root big branches for big giant...
  14. Valhalla Seeds

    Pics of the new girls

    A SOG done in hydro or soil bed or perlite/vermic bed will out perform any other method besides vertical sog. A little quote to maximize yield. "Pruning all depends on how closely your growing them together and how much shade is on the flowers. don't let any of your flowers get shaded...
  15. Valhalla Seeds

    Pics of the new girls

    I do my homework on commercial setups, but I grow outdoors mainly. Maybe one day I will get to experience some major flower power, but for now I make due with that big nuclear fusion reactor in the sky we like to call the sun. SOG will definitely get you your yield when dialed in with fast...
  16. Valhalla Seeds

    Vertical yalll. Seriously Look

    lol I can't believe there is arguing on whether or not vertical or flat is more effective its obvious..though I would not want to run a a vertical, id rather just run lights vertically and do big trees to keep numbers down, basically Krusty Method minus his buckets he was growing 3 lbs per 1000w...
  17. Valhalla Seeds

    Pics of the new girls

    nice, you got some serious bonsai skills I like the idea on keeping the plant numbers low, and sea of greens are the most boring way to grow imo your not missing out on anything. If you ever had 100 kw worth of flowering would you rather have 6400 plants in a sog + clones or 100 trees +...
  18. Valhalla Seeds

    Pics of the new girls

    Just wondering how you feel about growing using vertically hanging lights instead of horizontal? way I see it horizontally your growing more of a flat canopy bonsai style where as vertically you would have 360 degrees of bud mass, and take advantage of every square foot available.