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  1. StrangeLights

    Problem with bugs and burned leaves (outdoor grow).

    Update. They survived and are now big healthy plants :D I may post pictures later.
  2. StrangeLights

    Problem with bugs and burned leaves (outdoor grow).

    I don't have any new soil readily available but what if I mixed it with hydrograins? If that would work, how much (in percentage)?
  3. StrangeLights

    Problem with bugs and burned leaves (outdoor grow).

    Yeah I try to keep it as stealth as possible.
  4. StrangeLights

    Problem with bugs and burned leaves (outdoor grow).

    Thanks for your helpful information! What looked like fungus seems to be remnants of an eaten leaf. Unfortunately I forgot to check on that while at the growsite. It was pouring down and I just wanted to get it over with asap. You see that is the problem where I live. This summer has been the...
  5. StrangeLights

    Problem with bugs and burned leaves (outdoor grow).

    New fresh pictures. The nute burn/nute deficiency/root rot or whatever it was seems to no longer appear on new leaves or spread on the old affected areas so I feel pretty cool about that now. What really worries me is the continued bug attack. I never see any bugs around when I'm there so I...
  6. StrangeLights

    Problem with bugs and burned leaves (outdoor grow).

    Not sure if I should put this in the bug section or not because only one of the two problems is bug related. Anyway, as you can see in the pictures I have two problems which are probably unrelated to each other. Problem 1: Some nasty slimy bug eating on two of my plants (the third one...
  7. StrangeLights

    Dry/cure my guerilla grow without the other people in my house finding out. What to do?

    Since you all vouch for this idea maybe I will go for it then. Do a regular aircure instead of a watercure and hang the trimmed plants in the trees. How should I protect them from rain (besides checking the forecast ofc)?
  8. StrangeLights

    Dry/cure my guerilla grow without the other people in my house finding out. What to do?

    I don't know... They will be sopping wet after all. I think the risk for mold would be high. If I go for the watercure that is, which is my main plan. For ordinary curing it could probably work though.
  9. StrangeLights

    Dry/cure my guerilla grow without the other people in my house finding out. What to do?

    It's a watercure ( so the smoke will always become pretty flavorless but also very easy on the lungs. Very good for vaping (and I always vape). Once the watercure is done it doesn't matter that much how you dry them, or so I...
  10. StrangeLights

    Dry/cure my guerilla grow without the other people in my house finding out. What to do?

    I have no idea how I managed to overlook this but I realize now there is actually electrical outlets in our shed which is placed pretty far away from the house. This makes things so much easier! I can let the dehydrator run in there and the risk for anyone to notice becomes very slim, especially...
  11. StrangeLights

    How can I construct a smell proof box (with carbon filters) for my food dehydrator?

    Hi! I'm planning to watercure my buds and then dry them in a food dehydrator. I need to construct some kind of box for it so that there will be no smell (I still live with my family). I have no growtent or such to use since this is an outdoor grow. I was thinking of buying...
  12. StrangeLights

    Dry/cure my guerilla grow without the other people in my house finding out. What to do?

    Thanks for all your replies so far! Unfortunately I have no friend who would be able to help out with something like this. Any ideas on how to set up a box like that? Preferably for a cost below $50. What if I bought a bunch of roughly 10x10 cm carbon filter patches like these then taped them...
  13. StrangeLights

    Dry/cure my guerilla grow without the other people in my house finding out. What to do?

    What do you think would be the maximum amount I could hide the smell of by using ONA gel? Would it work if I used loads of silica gel or similar desiccant? Works for shrooms... I really appreciate your help btw.
  14. StrangeLights

    Dry/cure my guerilla grow without the other people in my house finding out. What to do?

    Do you think ONA gel could handle a smell like that of ~75g drying? I would be drying in my room at night. ONA gel would be a great solution IF it works well enough.
  15. StrangeLights

    Dry/cure my guerilla grow without the other people in my house finding out. What to do?

    I have a guerilla grow (my first) of three AK47 plants going on in the woods right now. As long as the plants are out there it's all fine but how will I solve the drying/curing problem? I still live with my parents who must not find out. I normally don't do ANYTHING weed related inside the...