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  1. S

    Help Nanners

    There not that mature but you can see them
  2. S

    Help Nanners

    I only got a week and a half before harvest
  3. S

    Help Nanners

    They are everywhere
  4. S

    Help Nanners

    I'm new to this don't judge
  5. S

    Help Nanners

  6. S

    Help Nanners

    Yea it's bad I was thinking of letting them finish out
  7. S

    Help Nanners

    48 days of flower nanners help
  8. S

    Help !!

    What's your temps right now
  9. S

    Help !!

    Get another fan to cool your lights or do have the fans directly on the plants
  10. S

    Help !!

    Looks to me like that you have to get those temps down and you might be over feeding your plants
  11. S

    Need Help

    Yea I'm only on the beginning of week three by the looks of them I ln expecting to harvest in 8-10 weeks.
  12. S

    Need Help

    how long you think i should flower for
  13. S

    Need Help

    thanks for the input guys..
  14. S

    Opinions and info needed

    I will follow me so I can keep in contact for more info.
  15. S

    Opinions and info needed

    Yea I know going to get some bamboo sticks for support
  16. S

    Opinions and info needed

    Yea that's exactly how mine are doing know I think I let them veg to long. Yea but I see what your talking about in your pics
  17. S

    Opinions and info needed

    Very nice can't wait until I can get the space to do my next grow.. Thx for the pics really nice.
  18. S

    Opinions and info needed

    Do you have any pics of your grow you would like to share if not understandable..
  19. S

    Opinions and info needed

    Yea I was going to bend them but there to many plants in that small space..
  20. S

    Opinions and info needed

    But I do need to go back underneath them and clean some more.