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  1. codman55354

    First Time Grow - How does it look? What do u guess i'll yield? Take a look

    alright well i guess i have some problem solving to do here, so im going to have to sleep on this in order to come up with some plan before i flip. i still feel like a mobile scrog would be the best cause it it really is a pain to water in the room.
  2. codman55354

    First Time Grow - How does it look? What do u guess i'll yield? Take a look

    i just measured tops with my ir thermometer and im reading 77 degrees or so
  3. codman55354

    First Time Grow - How does it look? What do u guess i'll yield? Take a look

    ive considered doing some kind of screen, but it would have to be mobile with the pots, so i can take it out of room to water. its a major pain to water it in the grow room. im assuming you all are steering me into the screen direction, and i appreciate the wisdom, but i really dont have a plan...
  4. codman55354

    First Time Grow - How does it look? What do u guess i'll yield? Take a look

    its an ambient temp of 85 max. i dont know if it makes a difference if i let you know that my light is a 6" air cooled hood. and my plants are really only 8" to 10" tall off the soil.
  5. codman55354

    First Time Grow - How does it look? What do u guess i'll yield? Take a look

    I realize there are to many variables to consider an accurate amount, but is an ounce a plant out of the question, based off the photos?
  6. codman55354

    First Time Grow - How does it look? What do u guess i'll yield? Take a look

    Hello as it says this is my first grow, and my first post ever also. So here we go. Im in a 3'x4' with a 4' ceiling grow room using a 600w hps. Royal Queen Northern Lights seeds. Room hits 85 degrees max, but lingers around 81 most the time, and 72 degrees with lights off. humidity 60% with...