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  1. D

    Extreme Leaf Curl

    Thanks for the help. Looks like it is the worst of the worst! Damn.
  2. D

    Extreme Leaf Curl

    Here we go folks. Can you help me diagnose the following? Outdoor Soil, 100 and 200 gallon smartpots Watering 5-8 gallons every other day Top dressing with Mr. B's Green Trees 5-5-5 once every two weeks. Feeding Compost Tea (EWC's, Compost, bat guano, seabird guano, molasses) once a week. So...
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    Half of my plant looks dead.

    Hello all, Has anybody seen this before? One side of my plant looks great and the other side looks dead. It happened fast too. I noticed one side looking droopy and then a couple hours later it looked very droopy. No branches look broken. It's being supported by an interior cage and trellising...
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    Leaf curl question

    What up fellow growers! Has anyone seen this before? Strain is Cinderella 99. Only a few branches look this way. The rest of the plant looks healthy.
  5. D

    Soil mix for outdoor pots

    Awesome. Thank you mjmama!
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    Soil mix for outdoor pots

    OK I'm looking for advice on what ammendments should be in my soil. Here are my specs: In greenhouse now in 15 gal pots. Going outdoors soon in 250 gal pots. Location: northern Cali border. The soil I plan on buying is Rogue Farmers #2 (for those who might know it) Ideally the less money spent...
  7. D

    Water question.

    Thank you Boss.
  8. D

    Water question.

    Can someone please tell me (from experience) how many gallons of water I'm going to need per 300 gal smart pot grown outdoors. I know there are many variables that determine watering schedules, but I'm just looking for an average amount from someone who has done it before. What I'm trying to...