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  1. T

    How To Make Cannabutter [W/ Pics]

    125 or 122 something like that.
  2. T

    How To Make Cannabutter [W/ Pics]

    Can you just make cookies or does it have to go in a pan?
  3. T

    What Can Be Better Than Attitude Freebies????

    I know this is a little off topic but i was wondering if anyone has had any problems with speedy? I didn't want to start my own thread for something thats probably not gonna be a big deal in the end. But i ordered a pack each of joint doctors diesel ryder and lowlifes auto Ak 47 and its been...
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    First grower with a unique problem after transfer

    thanx thats a good idea any1 else
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    First grower with a unique problem after transfer

    Well ill start with saying that i had my holes predug for this but i did not add the pro-mix at the time i dug them(yeah i know not so smart). Then i ran into a problem where i could no longer keep the plants in the house and had to bring them to my site. When i arrived at the site the hole were...
  6. T

    Energy and authorities

    I was just wondering how much energy you could use more than your normal consumption before red flags are raised?