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  1. KarmaPaymentPlan

    Amare v. Platinum

    ill cut you a deal, are all the distributor names Victor? Honestly do you get kick backs from Amare? most importantly of all,show some proof of the studies on the morphology associated with the mysticism of Amare's "Augmented (not enhanced) Spectrum"
  2. KarmaPaymentPlan

    Amare v. Platinum

    and they are all named Victor...? edit: btw you figured out how to quote sentences and not the whole post yet?
  3. KarmaPaymentPlan

    New lights for veg tent, LED or t5?

    in case you missed any other thread
  4. KarmaPaymentPlan

    Amare v. Platinum

    based on your experience with all the running around and the smoke and mirror tricks in addition to the blatant shilling from some well known members wouldnt you consider that most other light companies are worth more then Amare even if the charge a little more? just seems to me as a consumer...
  5. KarmaPaymentPlan

    Amare v. Platinum

    he did contact Victor
  6. KarmaPaymentPlan

    Amare v. Platinum

    can you clarify? do you not get the discount? do you have to do something special like constantly promote the product because you got a deep discount?
  7. KarmaPaymentPlan

    What LED should I get

    translation so where is your timber grow?
  8. KarmaPaymentPlan

    Amare v. Platinum

    this! even with out the lenses you have to hang it 24"+ from the canopy and then your just throwing a bunch of light at wall as you can see in the amare threads.
  9. KarmaPaymentPlan

    Amare v. Platinum

    Timber is hardly DIY imo. if you can mix nutes/amendments you can assemble one of those lights
  10. KarmaPaymentPlan

    Are you guys interested in Citizen Cobs???

    so you dont use the lights and your not gonna make any money... seems like a waste of time. now go cry more
  11. KarmaPaymentPlan

    Are you guys interested in Citizen Cobs???

    not enthusiastic!? so you just wanted to make a quick buck off everyone? seems like another reason to order from somewhere else
  12. KarmaPaymentPlan

    Are you guys interested in Citizen Cobs???

    i get your enthusiastic but honestly your asking people if theyll buy your shit for more money then what we already have available. yes competition is good but you got to be realistic and on top of all this ive seen other people offering a lot more (like new ideas or services, not just they...
  13. KarmaPaymentPlan

    Is there anything currently better then amare?

    i think thats the new hotspot fixture thats coming out, "Da Amarthray" gonna bump up the cob wattage for better penetration!
  14. KarmaPaymentPlan

    What LEDs for 3x3 tent?

    i was kidding they look beautiful! i run them at 50w myself, with great results
  15. KarmaPaymentPlan

    Not maturing

    we dont kknow how long this has been going on or how many times it flipped in between the different cycles. i strongly believe its a light leak issue.
  16. KarmaPaymentPlan

    Not maturing

    in addition i dont see any stretching which is also a sign of under lighting
  17. KarmaPaymentPlan

    Not maturing

    when a plant reveg it stops making buds and starts making leafs again. tell me that woolly bastard doesnt have extra leafs that why his buds havent matured
  18. KarmaPaymentPlan

    Not maturing

    enough light or not its a healthy green plant not a nutrient issue IMO
  19. KarmaPaymentPlan

    Not maturing

    do you have light leak maybe? do you see what i said about the single bladed leaves? when did they start showing up? look up plants that accidentally reveg