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  1. Rhizonaut

    Mycorrhiza Fungi...why you should get to know them...

    Yes! I've had a bag of Azos around forever...a roommate left it to me! I mostly dust root balls (lightly) with it during transplants. I agree though about Mykos, I find Glomus intraradices is often the first fungal species listed on any given inoculant variety. So if there is a single-species...
  2. Rhizonaut

    Mycorrhiza Fungi...why you should get to know them...

    I've had very poor results with the "instant" stuff myself. At a recent indoor growing expo in Denver, I obtained a few samples of 'OG Tea - Veganic Special Sauce' (a no-brew-necessary instant soluble micro inoculant claiming their 'modifications' allowed the spectrum of species to 'colonize the...
  3. Rhizonaut

    Mycorrhiza Fungi...why you should get to know them...

    Don, I believe we're on the same page. I believe there's a ted talk on how mushrooms will save the world, but for the time being, I'd just like to grow the chronic. Considering the alleged superhero powers of fungi however, maybe that next level organic growth potential isn't too far out of...
  4. Rhizonaut

    Mycorrhiza Fungi...why you should get to know them...

    I'd be tempted to do the same Don. I'd guess a primary reason it's not widely practiced or considered is that people tend to build soils based on what the plant needs rather than the collective needs of the living container... While I'm (fairly certain) plants don't eat rice, I know the microbes...
  5. Rhizonaut

    Mycorrhiza Fungi...why you should get to know them...

    Hey Dankswag, this is some great info. I'm very interested in feeding these microbes from soil contents rather than having them excessively sap root exudates. Molasses and rice seem to come up commonly, and I've used molasses for AACT. My question is, have you ever considered or heard of using...