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  1. Alekazam

    Outdoor Plant Suggestions

    So i just tried a little bit of supercropping, We'll see how that works... until then Anyone else have suggestions on how to make the bottom of the plant more full? I failed to mention that there are 3 smaller plants surrounding the big one, and they're all in a small/medium pot... any chance of...
  2. Alekazam

    Outdoor Plant Suggestions

    So I started this plant in late May, so it's a bit over a month old now and a little over 17 inches. I just wanted to post some pictures to get some advice and suggestions to see if there's anything I could do to help it grow into a decent plant that will actually produce something worthwhile...
  3. Alekazam

    wondering how they look??

    Looks decent enough to me... what kinda lights are you using?
  4. Alekazam


    I concur! stick to the hallucinogens that were meant for ingesting..
  5. Alekazam

    Heat Damage question

    Well, I only used the space heater for a matter of seconds before I realized it was a bad idea.
  6. Alekazam

    Heat Damage question

    I have a single female plant that has been growing for the past few months. It's growing indoors, but I'm still using light from outside. For how cold it's been I'm surprised it's even made it this far (it's approximately 15 in.) recently I decided it may stimulate growth if I were to heat the...