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  1. trendkill84

    I have been losing my mind for weeks now someone please HELP!!!

    By dark green bubbling your talking about those rust colored spots I have? I was also thinking at one point I was lacking in phosphorus. Can I boost this somehow like with the pk booster down the road after I water them a few times once they have dried a bit? I have been mixing at 5.8 so thanks...
  2. trendkill84

    I have been losing my mind for weeks now someone please HELP!!!

    I thought I had to feed with every watering in coco? Is it just in this case where I have burned them?
  3. trendkill84

    I have been losing my mind for weeks now someone please HELP!!!

    With all the reading and help that I have gotten from you guys im sure its over-watering and over fert. I made the noob mistake of watering them everyday since the start thinking I was TAKING CARE of my babies you know how it goes lol. I have found myself doing the samething to my next round and...
  4. trendkill84

    I have been losing my mind for weeks now someone please HELP!!!

    thanks guys I did do some reading and I have been messing up the feed im sure of it. I am sure your right about the over watering of the babies. My last grow I used the kiss method with maxibloom with great success and I have no clue why the hell I changed it up. With all the reading I was and...
  5. trendkill84

    I have been losing my mind for weeks now someone please HELP!!!

    no im using coco and perlite and at one point had a top layer of peddles on top.
  6. trendkill84

    I have been losing my mind for weeks now someone please HELP!!!

    I always run less than 1000 ppm with ph of 5.8 for the older ones
  7. trendkill84

    I have been losing my mind for weeks now someone please HELP!!!

    I really dont know what else to put and sorry about pics don't know whats up with that I took them normally. I follow this calc but use just over half of what it says and I have soft water that has an ec of 2 and my feed ec I have tried anything from 1.2 to 1.7. thats with the water ec added in...
  8. trendkill84

    I have been losing my mind for weeks now someone please HELP!!!

    here are some more pics to help and all the ferts that I use or have used!
  9. trendkill84

    I have been losing my mind for weeks now someone please HELP!!!

    I am growing autos in coco under 1000watt hps. I use canna nutes and have used half less than half etc etc. I have tried everything the ph of water going in is 5.8 coming out is 6.0 or 5.5. on some. I have added drip clean cal mag pretty every nutes I can thing of to help. The temps stay at...
  10. trendkill84

    Need help setting up easy drip system for coco!!!

    I have been trying for weeks to figure out how to set up a drip system for my plants which are in hempy buckets using coco and perlite. I am looking for something cheap that I can make using a 5 gallon bucket pump and like 1/4 line. I cant bring a water hose into my grow area. So I need...
  11. trendkill84

    any 1 want to grow a auto with me ???

    im using the trio did not know if the boosters where good. I know I burned my babies a few times with big grow mixing at 1/2
  12. trendkill84

    any 1 want to grow a auto with me ???

    yea that is the very next thing I'm buying. I just bought the 2 lights and a bunch of other stuff. What are the best nutes in your guys opinion?
  13. trendkill84

    First Grow = First Harvest - Need some experts

    oh and they are autos
  14. trendkill84

    First Grow = First Harvest - Need some experts

    The breeder said 8 weeks and they are headed into 9. Is that ok? I am a noob and still learning I spend so damn much time reading it's crazy lol
  15. trendkill84

    any 1 want to grow a auto with me ???

    OH and maybe you guys can help me out here. This is my very first grow and I screwed up a ton learning. Since then I have been reading my ass off sorting through the facts and the bullshit.. Anyway can you tell me if my girls are ready right now or should I wait? They are all the same strain...
  16. trendkill84

    any 1 want to grow a auto with me ???

    I had one pop and the other I lost so I replanted in hempy bucket
  17. trendkill84

    First Grow = First Harvest - Need some experts

    Do you think my girls are ready for harvest?
  18. trendkill84

    First Grow = First Harvest - Need some experts

    I am in the very same boat with you and my buds are looking the same as yours!. Mine are same size and color. I did not right down the dates either as this was my first grow and I made some mistakes same as u. I have 3 fast and vast autos under 2 300watt mars hydro leds in a 2x4x5 tent. I would...
  19. trendkill84

    any 1 want to grow a auto with me ???

    Mine just broke soil yesterday! 300x2 mars led but right now its under a 60watt clf 6700k Heavyweight Fast and vast