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  1. yankeetransplant

    World Of Hempy

    Autos have WAY too many inherent problems for me to grow them...The biggest is being at the mercy of a seed EVERY TIME YOU GROW....Seeds of course pull genetics from BOTH parent plants...They MIGHT be all good genes or all the worse ones, with something In-btwn being acceptable AT BEST....With...
  2. yankeetransplant

    My Plants Get Droopy at the End of Light Cycles. Help!

    In some cases though, if heat or strong light causing it...Some ppl go from VEG hours to their BLOOM hours WHILE increasing light intensities in hopes to produce the fattest flowers.. But MANY TIMES IT IS CIRCADIAN RHYTHM....It quite real as you discovered and has been studies for A VERY LONG...
  3. yankeetransplant

    World Of Hempy

    What your doing at that point is NO LONGER a Hempy bucket...One you start automating, your introducing more potential problems...Hempy is a DTW (Drain To Waste), system, with the added feature of having your drain hole higher up on the side if the bucket (Usually 2in with 3-5gal buckets)....All...
  4. yankeetransplant

    World Of Hempy

    Your set up and nutrient regime OBVIOUSLY is working for you....They are THICK AND LUSH AS THEY GET.....Thick and Lush makes for pretty pictures, but becomes a MAJOR ISSUE when you finally figure out that growing BUDS is far more rewarding than growing LEAVES.....EVERYTHING in that pic is going...
  5. yankeetransplant

    World Of Hempy

    These 2 pics (and a 3rd I'll mention later), are my current one but about a week old now...Need to get some week 5 pics....The left side is all known Do-si-dos cuttings..the right is Gelato from seed...Already grew some Gelato last crop, but I'm looking for a better pheno than I got the 1st...
  6. yankeetransplant

    World Of Hempy

    SHADE IS YOUR ENEMY during flower....YT
  7. yankeetransplant

    World Of Hempy

    The title of that Defol Link is pretty misleading...It was written yrs ago but the technique is the you can see, its saying its for advanced growers only...NOT SO.... They were afraid someone might cut every pc of green matter out of their garden....The world is full of ppl without a...
  8. yankeetransplant

    World Of Hempy

    right on...I've used them all over the decades and it BY FAR simplifies growing, with the quality results...not sure if you ever investigated defoliation methods???....If not, you can bring your yields way up....Looks pretty thick with foliage in there...Beautiful and healthy no doubt, but...
  9. yankeetransplant

    World Of Hempy

    I use MOST of my runoff for outdoor ornamentals AND veggies....Every stick a tomato plant in a hempy bucket outdoors....Peppers, cukes whatever...Hempy buckets grow ANYTHING you want...great place to use your runoff...... I give tomatoes and cukes away cause the buckets produce so...
  10. yankeetransplant

    World Of Hempy

    I dump it on my outdoor flower and vegetable beds if thats what you mean...If your talking about reusing it in buckets, I wouldn't even consider a negligent chance like that...It maybe cost me $3 per bucket (If I had to guess) to cover the cost....My 6 buckets would cost UNDER $20 worth of mix...
  11. yankeetransplant

    World Of Hempy

    It makes the perfect blend of medium for moisture and air levels....The ORIGINAL Hempy bucket thread, recommended a 75:25 mix (perlite:verm)....Hempy bucket design has been around since the 80ies.....SOME ONE named it and promoted its use...But make no mistake about how long its been around...I...
  12. yankeetransplant

    World Of Hempy

    I have seen some that hasnt been graded though...Ideally BOTH should be ABOUT the size of popcorn kernels, or slightly smaller....If its bigger, its only good for buckets and not very good for cuttings and starting sprouts....BUT THERE IS SOME REAL BIG SHIT I wouldnt use for buckets...
  13. yankeetransplant

    World Of Hempy

    DONT BUY VERY COURSE OR JUMBO want it about the size of your perlite, WHICH TOO shouldnt be very course or jumbo in any way.... But FINE GRADES are not a good choice either...I NEVER had any issue with what the big chain hardware stores Carry...Most are a nice medium size...
  14. yankeetransplant

    Hempy Bucket Feeding Schedule

    A pic to ponder (think you saw this one)....With one of my better yielding stains, I can pull close to 40 jars out of my 20sqft space....It because of the shear number of tops PACKED into the space....AND THEY FIT FINE since the were properly defolled..... I had a crop with Green Crack and a...
  15. yankeetransplant

    Hempy Bucket Feeding Schedule

    Out of curiosity, what type lighting you using over your plants....NOT particular brand name, but LED or HID and watts per sqft...My 1000w HID over 20sqft is maxing them at 50w/sqft.....Any more than 50w/sqft is basically waste cause it not needed.....That 665gm you WERE able to pull is just...
  16. yankeetransplant

    Hempy Bucket Feeding Schedule

    cpl pics...current crop sunrise day 7 of flower....RECENTLY defoliated....I'M BIG INTO DEFOLIATION....late veg it opens all your POTENTIAL BUD BRANCHES TO LIGHT, and 2 weeks into flower I defoliate pretty hard to open ALL BUDDING SITES to full light....And thats when they are getting ready to...
  17. yankeetransplant

    Hempy Bucket Feeding Schedule

    killer looking work bro....If your NOT a 'NERVOUS WATERER' (one who waters too often), YOU CAN grow the same way WITHOUT airstones....I usually suggest that to new grower, cause they tend to KEEP THAT RES FULL of water....AND ANY TIME you have standing water, its best to bubble it....IF YOUR...
  18. yankeetransplant

    World Of Hempy

    As a new grower, the yellowing of leaves in those LATE flower pics is intentional...You withhold nutrients the last week-10 days to 'clean out' your buds...Water only the last few waterings does that...You dont want residual nutrients in your buds...Smokes cleaner and tastes a lot better...
  19. yankeetransplant

    World Of Hempy

    another typical bucket plant...this Gelato yields less than my Do-si-dos, but still gives right about 5 jars a bucket... BTW, I use 3 gal buckets....IDENTICAL to a 5 gal utility bucket except the depth...I found for the size plants I like in my space, that the 3 gal buckets work just as...
  20. yankeetransplant

    World Of Hempy

    Set up like (2) 5 gal hempy buckets...Buy a light that will cover more though so you can expand...dont have to run it on 100% intensity...2 buckets would occupy about a 2ft by 4ft space....Ideally your plants would be about 2ft across by 2ft tall when done...THEY CAN be vegged longer and fill a...