Search results

  1. Dave at Everwood Farm

    Broad mites???

    Waste of money for treating broad mites... Even though a bug bomb product says it controls certain insect pests - it may not be the best option. Bug bombs essentially throw the insecticide into the air, treating the surface where it lands. If the pest insect is under a leaf or buried deep in a...
  2. Dave at Everwood Farm

    Broad mites???

    Don't mix bleach with Nuke 'em, You need to do the bleach first (5 to 7 % in solution) and let it dry, then apply Nuke 'em. Your killing the Nuke 'em if you add it to the bleach solution.
  3. Dave at Everwood Farm

    Howdy, We are an OMRI listed merchant and would like to advertise organic products, beneficial...

    Howdy, We are an OMRI listed merchant and would like to advertise organic products, beneficial insects, and organic pest controls, etc. The "Create an Ad" button seems to be broken... Help Please. Thanks, Dave at Everwood Farm