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  1. blackhawk

    First CFL grow. any advice?

    Yeah ive been considering a few different ideas for reflectors.. I had a DIY reflector out of aluminum foil.. yeah i know not the best thing. and it didnt really make a difference so i took it off. but using a can sounds like a good idea.
  2. blackhawk

    First CFL grow. any advice?

    Yeah i have somewhat of a grow box set up in a rubbermaid tub. I eventually want to build a cabinet but i'm on a low budget. But it seems to be working well for young sprouts.
  3. blackhawk

    First CFL grow. any advice?

    so i started this grow last week so the tallest plant is about 6 days old and the other two are about 3 days old. any advice?
  4. blackhawk

    312w, CFL's, 4 plants, TV Cab growbox: GrowJournal.

    dude i just got done reading all 33 pages and i have to say that im drooling right now and ive gotten a lot of new ideas for my 1st grow. I hope everything continues to go as planned. good luck