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  1. iiTzHaroon

    Ultra Lemon Haze Auto

    Just seen some fish,blood and bone at poundland! Thought it was a bargain!. However do you think it's too strong(hot) for autos? Please let me know as I'm gunna move my germd seed into its pot just letting the soil dry abit and gunna mix in perlite and rockdust
  2. iiTzHaroon

    Ultra Lemon Haze Auto

    I may even try the k.o and the cash crop again as you already know my first ever grow was those and they were amazing! Just didn't have enough light for decent buds at the time... Hopefully I can get some bud off this Northernlights!!
  3. iiTzHaroon

    Ultra Lemon Haze Auto

    Wish I could give them optimum conditions! that's why you are probably successful with them, if this Northernlights and Bubblekush auto don't produce I might just scrap autos
  4. iiTzHaroon

    Ultra Lemon Haze Auto

    Hey man thanks for checking in, unfortunately the ULH has turned into a very big joke not even worth talking about, focusing on my NL Auto, it popped in a glass of water 2days ago so it's already in the soil!
  5. iiTzHaroon

    Ultra Lemon Haze Auto

    Or I could veg the clones and flower the main plant. Which do you think would be a better idea
  6. iiTzHaroon

    Ultra Lemon Haze Auto

    Just took some pics of it right now for ya mate. As ya can see it's looking the same, slowly but surely it's getting abit bigger and I can see it starting to put out some crystals....really don't think autos are for me, I'm always making some stupid mistake which as you know autos don't take...
  7. iiTzHaroon

    Ultra Lemon Haze Auto

    Thanks for checking in. I have not yet potted it up yet, however it is amazingly healthy and looks gorgeous and getting bigger, once I've potted it up, it will have a nice kick start. As for the ULH I overwater noob mistake. So I though I would help to break up the soil, my fiddly stupid...
  8. iiTzHaroon

    Ultra Lemon Haze Auto

    Day 61 Just can't resist putting pics up lol, its very addictiv!!! plus just using this to keep days numbered! @bud27 Hey dude here's the OG Kush lol Also I noticed on the ULH the bottom leaves are very very healthy, glossy and sturdy!! however the top ones are quite pale and weak...
  9. iiTzHaroon

    Ultra Lemon Haze Auto

    Is there anything bad that can happen if left? As I don't have anything to pot it into atm. I have a 20liter pot but I really don't want it to be a big plant! Btw I'm in UK(south Yorkshire)
  10. iiTzHaroon

    Ultra Lemon Haze Auto

    Will get that done soon!! Mite have trouble with the 12/12 doe. Can I just move the plant into my cupboard and if anything il just seal it
  11. iiTzHaroon

    Ultra Lemon Haze Auto

    Hey man I popped it same time as the ultra lemon... Itz in a 1lt pot and has a few root tips poking out from the bottom
  12. iiTzHaroon

    Bubba Kush auto flowering after adding superthrive.

    Yeah man for an auto there is no such thing as too much light! If you don't mind the electricity let that bitxh sit under the full 24 hours
  13. iiTzHaroon

    Ultra Lemon Haze Auto

    Hey we on day 57 I can see the top bud starting to form!! Also next to it on the left is the OG Kush x Diesel can i start to flower it yet??
  14. iiTzHaroon

    Ultra Lemon Haze Auto

    Yeah I know lol, unless you grow them in optimum conditions which I can't provide:(, however I do have a photoperiod going atm of OG kush x Diesel it's about 10inches now has almost 3set of good looking leafs not the abnormal disabled looking ones it started with!! When can I flower it? As I...
  15. iiTzHaroon

    Ultra Lemon Haze Auto

    hey man Though id help speed plant putting down roots so it can focus on growth above ground? I'm feeding it heavy doses of molasses, Hy-Pro terra bloom and grow (2-5-5), fox farms open seasme(5-45-19)and I gave it a tiny bit of beastie blooms(0-50-30)although I nw I'm not supposed to yet!, and...
  16. iiTzHaroon

    Ultra Lemon Haze Auto

    True true, iv been giving it molasses and great white root stimulate!
  17. iiTzHaroon

    Ultra Lemon Haze Auto

    Day 54 Plant is putting out more and more pistils and there getting longer :P :weed: Also gave her a Lil defol took off a few fan leaves for more and better light penetration!
  18. iiTzHaroon

    Ultra Lemon Haze Auto

    Yh would like to see urs mate
  19. iiTzHaroon

    Ultra Lemon Haze Auto

    Well there super autos according to autoseeds but still I think I fucked up, my royal queen seeds amnesia haze is only 3-4days old and doing way better!! I believe it's cause it's the first time I haven't fucked with the plant aha Here's what autoseeds have as description.... so as you can see...
  20. iiTzHaroon

    Ultra Lemon Haze Auto

    Was gna throw it in the composter but it showed me her private parts;) aha I Fote fuck it if I get even just one joint of her