I usually have enough that some gets topped, some gets brewed, some goes to worms and some gets saved for future use.
Like said not necessary, but man sifted compost is just sooo damn beautiful it's worth it to me. Lol
It's not absolutely necessary, but I do for a few reasons. Keeping out the bigger uncomposted stuff being one. But I also have multiple worm bins so sifting out the worms and coccons that I can helps me add to population in bins. I still end up with a ton of worms going into my beds and pots.
This is my first year running autos. So far I've noticed my photos definitely have a stronger smell even in veg, but up close my autos smell absolutely amazing! (Photo in this case is African landrace strain so may be part). I should have a taste report in a few weeks!
Yep after a couple applications of compost and vermicompost teas my springtails have gone nuts. The pot that's busiest with them is my happiest plant so not upset.
Well I'll get an updated pic. I staked the original top down to go with LST, but it's wanting to grow as if topped. Original top doing nothing much but sides already starting to take off so a win.
I always thought never top, then learned can of done proper. Well this girl is making me really want to top once those sides fill in. Only one doing this, outdoor. New side growth looks great just that main is being funky. Thoughts??
It's definitely been a fun year so far!.... But my Malawi Gold is rocking, collected some male auto pollen and my first run female autos are looking good so no big complaints. Oh and getting compost sifted for teas and top dress, and harvesting worms to add to indoor bins!