Yeah I live in apt building so odor control would definitely be wise.. and I don't but I was thinking on just buying 2 more duct fans(one for air in and one for out) but im still not sure about the carbon filter
Yeah thats a good price, I never would have thought id see one of those under $100.. I will have to find a deal on one that ships to Canada soon enough.
I might look into them for my next run tho it depends how bad the smell really gets. Im not growing kush or anything strong like that so ill see how it is this time around.. Any tips if I do pick one up?
Really? Most of the ones I have seen have been so overpriced for what they are. I have never bought anything off of ebay but I might have to look into that.
Okay, right on and nope nothing for odor yet. I think I seen a fan and carbon scrubber combo or something when I was looking up fans and it was like 200 bucks or so. The fan and everything will probably be just over $50. As much as I would like to eliminate some of the odor I wouldn't spend that...
No I was thinking I would have to wire the fan. I didn't know they have ones pre wired that you can just plug into an outlet because I have never seen those ones until just a minute ago when I looked it up.. What I meant was I was just going to get a reflector because I didn't want to wire the...
Yeah I didn't really know what the idea of the cool tube was until now. I picked up the set for $125 which seemed like deal compared to other hps systems.. I know now the point is to vent it but I don't usually like to mess with anything I have to wire myself so I might start the search for a...
Not a bad idea.. It fits in there now its just snug against the walls. I think that's almost what ill do tho. Just cut 3-4 holes every foot or so on one side, run a fan and cover up the holes not being used in the meantime having to move the light up to the next hole as the plants grow. I think...
Sounds interesting.. I don't know if that would work here tho. The plant would eventually touch the tube (59 inch height in grow room and the tube is 27 inches)
Okay so I just got a 400w HPS with a cool turns out that the cool tube is longer then I thought and it touches the sides of my grow room wallswhich doesn't give the heat anywhere to go.. So is there anything anybody can recommend? I have somewhere else I can put the plants but it will...