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  1. The Original Raoul Duke

    Decarbing kief

    You seem to know your temperatures. What is the best range for vaporizing marijuana? I'm usually very frustrated with a vaporizer's lack of vapor production. But I know it can be done well. The Volcano does it well. I believe that has something to do with the convection , not conduction heat...
  2. The Original Raoul Duke

    How do you make your blend? (Vape Juice)

    My first attempt was pure PG. It didn't seem to make much difference when I added the VG, but I'm sure it didn't help. I want to try the Dremel method where you break up the mixture with I don't know what kind of bit attached. I'd like to know what I'm supposed to put on the Dremel to do that.
  3. The Original Raoul Duke

    How do you make your blend? (Vape Juice)

    My coop has been providing me concentrates to do e-liquid experimentation. I've come up with some good methods, but I find that I often have chunks of oil/shatter left over that won't seem to melt. What is that? Why wouldn't it all melt? I'm not super saturating it. I'm doing like 1 gram...
  4. The Original Raoul Duke

    *How To Make THC DROPS.

    It's a forum, dude! What do you expect? These are people, not experts. If they were, they wouldn't need a forum in the first place. I live with a professional chemist who experiments in an expensive lab all day, so I'm pretty much covered when it comes to silly practices. But people will do some...
  5. The Original Raoul Duke

    *How To Make THC DROPS.

    So don't read it.
  6. The Original Raoul Duke

    *How To Make THC DROPS.

    Wait, wait, wait... this is not going to work. It will not get you high. I did this exact same thing before I knew better. If there is no decarboxylation, there will be no high. It WILL NOT decarb when you vape it. Trust me, I've tried it with both homemade and from the dispensary. It ain't...