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  1. TTHyatt37

    Germinating seed help

    I've been germing this one, going on 4 ddays now and its cracked in an odd fashion. i just wanted to know if its a bad seed or has anyone else experienced it and still had success?
  2. TTHyatt37

    How would any of you handle this?

    sweet, i did as you guys said and emailed em a pic of it and theyre sending a new one. thanks
  3. TTHyatt37

    How would any of you handle this?

    i have 2 more pics theyre not that great but im going to try and germinate it
  4. TTHyatt37

    How would any of you handle this?

    So i got this along with some others. theyre all fine except my bubblegum auto.. the seed seems like it was crushed in the packaging b4 i received it. part of the shell is completely cracked off revealing the white inside "as seen in the pic". and theres small crack around it. would i still be...
  5. TTHyatt37

    purple stems and yellowing of bottom leaves

    if the new growth is looking happy and its only the bottom leaves yellowing and nothing else then id say its fine tho. i tend to worry more when signs of deficiencys or PH imbalances appear on newer growth. theres alot of things ive read and heard tho about the yellowing of the lower fan leaves...
  6. TTHyatt37

    purple stems and yellowing of bottom leaves

    It looks fine the yellowing happens when the plants lacking nutes tho and its feeding off its own lower fan leaves, so hes definatley right about the deficiency. buy some cal/mag i got some at walmart for 5$ a huge bag. they definatley do love it
  7. TTHyatt37


    Thank you for this reply, All i want to know is if the stuff WORKS, ill trust your answer on this one, i just bought some today but of course when a question like this is brought up, everyone always has a far better more expensive alternative that is the one and only solution lol. fuckin morons...
  8. TTHyatt37


    Also im not sure if it was noted b4, but im too lazy to look. your soil looked like a mixture of sand and dirt, invest in some better soil for sure buddy, you should find better results that way i promise. i keep my lights about 1-2 inches over my plant with my home made reflective hood...
  9. TTHyatt37


    I made that mistake and unfortunatley killed 2 of my babies when i first started. careful!
  10. TTHyatt37

    wow!!!! look at this crazy leaf

    Thats something i havent seen b4 haha,nice big ole fan leaves tho i love it
  11. TTHyatt37

    Opinions on newbs first grow

    ^ Just make sure you put a lock on it if needed. ive had my chainsaw and leaf blower snatched from my own shed b4 i kept it locked up. just some advice if your living in a populated area.
  12. TTHyatt37

    help needed !!!

    Agreed. ^^ i would focus on something worth your time and money. ive had some lost cause plants that i didnt want to get rid of but sometimes its well worth it so you can focus on better. do whatever you want tho
  13. TTHyatt37


    if your having a calcium deficiency id say Dolomite lime. cal/mag. i cant see your first pics but the 2nd set you uploaded seem fine? nice green leaves growing and looks healthy. am i missing something?r
  14. TTHyatt37

    help needed !!!

    Id put it outside somewhere in the woods and just forget about it til harvest. even then if it has seeds i doubt the smoke will be that great, but it also looks like ur growin it in hydro so im not sure
  15. TTHyatt37

    1st time full grow, Thoughts and opinions? (in progress)

    Yea this is the best i can get right now, those 2 pics help alot tho, Strongly resembles a male.. afraid my luck ran out on this one
  16. TTHyatt37

    Is this a Male preflower?? please help!!

    If this doesnt say male idk what does..
  17. TTHyatt37

    Is this a Male preflower?? please help!!

    Alright Nugs illl take that advice id rather be safe than sorry even if it means taking care of it for a couple more weeks to tell. ill still keep pics coming with more development i see probably wihin the next couple of days
  18. TTHyatt37

    1st time full grow, Thoughts and opinions? (in progress)

    haha yea i can try and get you one within the next few days ima let it develop a little bit more so i can give you a lil more to see
  19. TTHyatt37

    Is this a Male preflower?? please help!!

    Yea everyone sais it looks like male preflower and ffrom all the searching ive done on the webs i have a bad feeling its a male too. :roll: Thus the reason why im starting to get irritated and impatient with it. i was pretty excited for this one to be a female too. you cant always win tho...
  20. TTHyatt37

    Is this a Male preflower?? please help!!

    I have another forum thread where ive posted updates since it was seedling (yes ive looped my 2 threads) Hopefully it culd help. the plant has been very symetrical tho and short node spacings. its actually proobably about 9...