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  1. funkyhomosapian

    Another Aussie outdoor grow.

    hey mate just checked out your grow, looks mint! How much sun did they get and what did you chuck in the soil? if you dont mind me asking lol
  2. funkyhomosapian

    When should i harvest? (with photos)

    P.S strains are Cookies Kush (top photo) and Berry Bomb (bottom), and berry bomb photo is a week old so she has thickened out abit since
  3. funkyhomosapian

    When should i harvest? (with photos)

    hey everyone, wanted so advice/opinions on how long i should wait before chopping my 2 girls. heres my situation; I have 2 small topped plants growing in dappled sunlight, its been a great summer but just this week we have recieved a large amount of continuous rain and i have noticed bud rot...
  4. funkyhomosapian

    Struggling seedlings, what are they upset about?

    Cheers for the replies! yes they are outdoors but temperatures have been pretty warm, the water burns could be a good point though as i try water them in the morning before it gets hot. might have to start doing it in the evenings.
  5. funkyhomosapian

    Struggling seedlings, what are they upset about?

    theyve been slow from the start but the leaves did yellow after feeding. Ive been watering every 2 days or so when its sunny
  6. funkyhomosapian

    Struggling seedlings, what are they upset about?

    Hey guys, doing my second auto grow with 4 month old seeds. My first auto experience was a breeze however this year seems to be the exact opposite, no matter what i do to these guys they grow super slowly. They are 5 weeks old and only a couple inches tall. On top of this they seem to have a...
  7. funkyhomosapian

    Am i ready to harvest?

    thx for the help guys, im going to wait a couple more days as the trichs havent turned amber yet. will post photos then
  8. funkyhomosapian

    Am i ready to harvest?

    i have already started flushing, I thought i was near harvest but now i am wondering wether i started too early. Does anyone think they need another feed to reach full potential?
  9. funkyhomosapian

    Am i ready to harvest?

    Hey guys new to RIU have just finished doing a few outdoor grows over the summer and i have this last little auto NL from GHS. it has started to rain heavily this past week and was hoping to get some advice as to when i should pick. here is a photo